Top 10 Stories of 2021: The Year in Review

By Kashif Ahmed

2021 will forever be remembered as the year the Jew.S.A lost the war in Afghanistan, pulled a pandemic to cover it up and attempted to impose a bit of medieval-totalitarianism on the gullible goyim.

That’s the story of the year, the story of the decade perhaps.

But before we begin, it’d be remiss of me not to pay tribute once more to the legend that is Daud Musa (David Musa Pidcock): A gallant hero of Islam who supported this humble blog from the beginning, always told the truth and feared no man. Salute.



Gen. Bipen Rawat once bragged that he’d “change the DNA of Kashmiris” (implying mass-rape and genocide). But when rescue teams sifted through the wreckage of the IAF helicopter, Bipen could only be identified by his DNA.



KHARTOUM, SUDAN. Pro-Israeli junta opens fire on demonstrators, 15 martyred: Sudanese people are trying to defend their country and prevent it from becoming a Zionist vassal state like South Sudan. As of December 30th, sporadic clashes between factions of the military and demonstrators continue in Khartoum & Omdurman. Elections are scheduled for July 2022.



KHALISTAN. Congratulations to the Khalistani Sikh community on this historic occasion. The referendum began on October 31st, marking 37 years to the day of the Sikh pogrom / genocide committed by Hindu extremists in India.


Turkey's MIT brings down 15-member Mossad spy network | Daily Sabah

15 Mossad agents captured by Turkish MIT. Biggest secret service operation since 2016, and arguably the most complex since security forces thwarted Operations Kafes and Sledgehammer in 2010-11. As with most countries, Turkey is heavily infiltrated by Zio-Jewish collaborators at all levels, some parts of the state are Shabbos Goys (e.g. facilitating the Israeli-Secret-Intelligence-Service in Syria, targeting journalists, sharing intel with the Mossad and so on). Whereas others are pro-Palestine, pro-Kashmir and seek to strengthen ties with regional allies (e.g. Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran). Turkey from 2016 onward is quite a different place to the how it was before. There are still probably more Zios than allies on the ground, but generally speaking, things appear to be moving in the right direction.


Blessed are those who hunger for justice. The hunger strike seems to have become the standard last-resort protest for Palestinian political-prisoners. And whilst we support every Palestinian hero against the Satanic ideology of Jewish extremism; we can’t become passive spectators in some theater-of-the-macabre, or give collaborator-regimes (e.g. UAE, Bahrain) a free pass to empower the occupation whilst twisting the knife in Palestine’s back. There must be a policy of Zero-tolerance for Shabbos Goy collaborators and, figuratively speaking, a scorched-Earth policy on Jewish supremacy; its adherents, enablers / stooges. These heroic hunger strikers are essentially holding a mirror up to humanity: Showing us who stands with the Palestinian cause, and who betrayed the resistance at this crucial stage of the struggle. Generations will salute the Palestinians long after Jewish extremism vanishes into the sinkhole of history. But no one will never forgive those traitors who collaborated with the illegitimate state of Israel.


ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN. Important OIC (Organization for Islamic Cooperation) meeting: Good progress made on helping Afghanistan. Heroic attempt by PM Imran Khan to persuade fellow Muslims to rejoin the right side on Palestine and Kashmir.


Russia rightly stresses the need for a sovereign internet as new Cold War escalates to advanced / hybridized cyber warfare, in line with the weaponization of space.

Cyber Cold War? The US and Russia talk tough, but only diplomacy will ease  the threat - GCN

But even if you’ve got the upper hand in 6th generation warfare (which no one does yet); there still isn’t a force-multiplier in the world that beats a determined, grass-roots armed-resistance force who are fighting for their freedom against a foreign invader: The threat of nuclear annihilation couldn’t deter the VC, the Jew.S.A and every army in Western Europe lost to the Afghan Taliban, Indian occupiers are on the backfoot in IOK, Naxal land, Asom, Manipur and Nagaland whilst Uncle Sam couldn’t even pull off simple coups in Bolivia or Venezuela.

And that was 2021, friends. May the year ahead bring victory & honour to the righteous. May it bring defeat & disgrace to the illegitimate state of Israel, and its supporters. Amen.

Taliban Wins War: Indian-Occupied Kashmir, Delhi and Jerusalem Next?

What's Happening in Afghanistan? U.S. Forces Complete Withdrawal - WSJ

By Kashif Ahmed

OK, ladies and gentlemen, we all know what happened by now; so I’m not going to bore you with some convoluted article about this, that and the other thing.

Because it is what it is, it was what’s it’s been and it will be what’s it’s always going to be: Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires, and she just buried the Jew.S.A.

Afghanistan was a miracle. One of the most amazing historical events of all time: Bigger than the defeat of the Rothschild-controlled British Empire at New Orleans, on a par with the fall of Jewish Khazaria, comparable to Vietnam but in many ways more important than all three.

For never has such a war been waged: The Jew.S.A (the most militarily-advanced nation on the planet) and almost every army in the Western world; ganged up on the Afghan Taliban (the least militarily-equipped government on the planet). And the Taliban won.

For 20 long years; the invaders threw everything including the kitchen sink at the resistance: They committed cowardly drone attacks on Afghan schools, hospitals and kindergartens. They went door-to-door at night kidnapping random Afghans and terrorizing their families at gunpoint. They tortured captives to death in Bagram, re-started the Heroin business and murdered unarmed people for sport; U.S.-NATO occupiers broke every rule of engagement and behaved in the most depraved / dishonorable manner imaginable; and they still lost to, if you’ll excuse the cliches; a ‘rag-tag’ band of ‘stone-age’ guerrillas.

How We Got Here:

  1. Israel did 9/11 to start the fraudulent war on terror.
  2. U.S. and 42 NATO armies invade Afghanistan to re-start heroin production (which had fallen to its lowest recorded levels in history in 2000) whilst destabilizing China and Pakistan.
  3. India-Israel join the U.S-NATO in a behind-the-scenes role, sponsoring terrorism inside Afghanistan and against neighboring Pakistan.
  4. Afghanistan and Pakistan thwart the U.S.-Israeli-Indian-EU agenda.
  5. U.S. withdraws, first phase of the regional war comes to an end.

20 Years on the front

How newspaper front pages covered the fall of Afghanistan to Taliban forces  - CNN

People say that the U.S.-Israel-EU-India knew they’d lost the war, the day China and Russia got on the same page about the future of the region (i.e BRI and other issues). Maybe it seems surreal because we’re witnessing the end of Zio-U.S. hegemony, just like we saw the end of the Soviet Union; like a melting ice glacier that drips and drips over time (which no one really notices) and then suddenly breaks off.

2001-05 U.S.-NATO definitely had the upper hand, but were instantly unpopular due to their crimes against civilians, reviving gangs & narco-terrorists who’d been defeated by the Taliban. China isn’t a major power yet, Russia still on the ropes, Pakistan facing multiple U.S.-Israeli-Indian proxy terror groups, and Indian occupation forces on the LOC, Iran a bit lethargic under Khatami and opposed to the Taliban government for a variety of reasons.

How the US military's opium war in Afghanistan was lost - BBC News

The War in Afghanistan, by Max Parry - The Unz Review
U.S. Troops Patrol Poppy Fields

2005-11: Afghan Taliban comeback of sorts, invaders losing the initiative, China becoming more powerful, Russia becoming stronger, Pakistan making some headway against terror, Iran very much back on the scene with Ahmadinejad.

2010-16: Afghan Taliban become giant killers in that they made the ground beneath the invader’s feet so unstable; that the U.S. couldn’t take a step forwards, backwards, or even a sidestep. Unbeatable guerrilla warfare by the Afghan Taliban on home territory–e.g. the CIA had all the best surveillance equipment, but some Afghan fighters were apparently communicating via locals in dialects no one knew, or using words that made no sense to the invader; Some U.S. hired Afghan interpreters were also allegedly covert resistance operatives; deliberately mistranslating things, insider-attacks increased and so on. China now a world power, Russia also a major power again, Pakistan beating proxy-terror groups, NATO armies begin dropping out.

‘Afghan national Army’ and NDS widely regarded as a comedy force of mercenaries; very well funded, but very badly trained by the Americans and Indians. It’s like putting an expensive saddle on a Mule, and ordering it to race a Markhor up a mountain. All U.S. puppets (government, military etc) were mercenaries / corrupt politicians; and without the puppet-master pulling their strings; they collapsed in a heap: When the Ashraf Ghani government stopped paying their troops around April-May 2021; some of the better soldiers defected to the Taliban or just handed in their weapons to the Taliban without fighting (which is why so many districts were captured without a single shot being fired).

2016-2019: Massive push by the U.S.-Israel-India to bring the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) into the Af-Pak borderlands. Had the U.S. been able to do this, it may have tilted the war against the Taliban. The Afghan Taliban’s Red Unit (special ops guerrilla force) destroyed ISIS in the battle of Darzab–which when they write the history of this Afghan war; will be regarded as a major turning point in the conflict.

Biden's blunder in Afghanistan - The Boston Globe
Taliban Red Unit Guerrillas Protect Darzab

2019-21: China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran on the same page; Rare Earth profits coming in, some Afghan Taliban allegedly overpower the CIA drug cartel and begin to receive protection money from the invaders not to attack them. Staggered U.S. retreat begins.

Helmand province (a notorious gold and mineral rich area where U.S. and British occupation forces had conducted numerous operations) is decisively reconquered & secured by the Taliban; Baghlan and Borka districts provide the resistance with a clear road to Kabul.

Afghanistan-Taliban Crisis LIVE Updates: Taliban Celebrate Victory As Last  US Troops Leave Afghanistan
Taliban Spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, Addresses Troops in Kabul

2021: U.S.-Indian trained ‘Afghan’ forces crumble in days, U.S. imposed government folds, U.S. withdraws, Afghan Taliban take the capital and declare victory.

Video appears to show Taliban inside presidential palace in Kabul - CNN  Video

U.S., France, India and others retreat en-masse, abandoning their embassies. China, Pakistan, Russia, Iran and Turkey continue as normal.

Proxy Wars, False Flags and the Liberation of Indian-Occupied Kashmir (IOK)

So we’re into the proxy war stage now; where the defeated party will attempt to deploy their terrorist assets (e.g. Blackwater-ISIS-TTP-BLA et al) and bribe potential agents to run sabotage-terror attacks. Not to challenge the Taliban’s power or impose some Rojava-esque Templar state. But primarily to delay Chinese investments, and give the impression that the U.S.-Israel-EU-India still has some clout.

But we all know that post-war proxy-ops are slapdash, shambolic affairs; which are more about nursing an invader’s injured pride, than actually making any gains on the ground. Because even the U.S-Israel-EU-India aren’t deluded enough to think they can achieve the sort of results from afar with mercenaries, that they couldn’t achieve when they were actually in country as an occupation force.

And so this phase will likely resemble what the CIA did with failed Tibetan terror group the Mustangs in China after Operations Circus, Barnum and Bailey, or with the remnants of the anti-Castro 2506 after Playa Giron.

But its a very different world now, so School of the Americas style shenanigans aren’t really going to work in a region that’s soundly seen off Uncle Sam at the height of his power, and is blossoming towards a new and prosperous era.

That said, given the nature of what the resistance discovered in the Indian consulate, and the official debut of the Taliban’s 313 Badri Brigade commando units: The outlook for the next 12-18 months will likely see the Indians ordered by the U.S.-Israel-EU to begin hostilities (via a false flag in IOK) against Pakistan and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. This could force the allies into a serendipitous scenario which will

1) Accelerate ongoing freedom struggles within the Indian federation (e.g. Khalistan, Nagaland, Farmer’s Protests, Naxal Land and others).

2) Instigate the internal collapse of the Indian military / Mossad-RAW-RSS terror nexus.

3) Lead to the complete & unconditional liberation of IOK.

“As Muslims, we have the right to raise our voice for Muslims in Indian-occupied Kashmir, or in any other country. We will raise our voice and say that Muslims here are with you”.

Transcript: NPR's Full Interview With Taliban Spokesman Suhail Shaheen |  New England Public Media

Suhail Shaheen, Taliban spokesman, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Now India is the new Iraq, circa 1979. And Zionists are prepared to use their Hindutva sidekicks as expendable whack-a-moles against China, Pakistan, Afghanistan…and Russia, and Iran and anyone else they’re against that week. India will be ‘ushered’ into the fray as the U.S.-Israel’s most dependable asset in the region. So when Pakistani Defense Analyst, Zaid Hamid, states that Indians fear the 313 Badri Brigade coming to IOK, he’s probably right. Since we appear to be moving towards the liberation of Kashmir / Ghazwa-e-Hind (i.e. the war to end Hindu extremism in the Indian subcontinent) which, as eschatology fans and keen readers of Hadith will know; leads to the epic battle to free Al-Quds Jerusalem from Jewish rule.

But lets not get ahead of ourselves and keep things focused on Afghanistan for the moment. Bottom line: The U.S.-Israel-EU-India lost a major strategic front over there, and the advantage goes to China-Pakistan-Russia-Iran.

The Jew.S.A: Good at starting wars based on lies, not so good at lying about why they lose those wars.

Henry Ford once said: “Corral the 50 wealthiest Jews and there would be no war”. We’ll we’ve had a lot of wars since then, so perhaps its time for Americans to jail the Jewish extremists, and see if that helps.

22/7 Utøya Island Massacre: The Israeli–English Defence League Connection

By Kashif Ahmed

Article first published in 2013 on

Norway, July 22nd, 2011: Israeli backed terrorist Anders Behring Brevik, disguised as a police officer, opened fire on Palestinian solidarity activists at Utoya island. Brevik and his accomplices murdered 69 people and wounded 110, the majority of whom were teenagers and youths in their early twenties. Miles away in Oslo, a car bomb ripped through a crowded high street near the offices of Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, leaving 8 people dead and injuring over 200.

The massacre was widely celebrated by Zionist Jews, since the victims were pro-Palestinian and supported a boycott of the illegitimate state of Israel.

In 2006, war crimes suspect / U.S. secretary of state Codelezza Rice, threatened Norway with “serious consequences” if her citizens boycotted Israel. Refusing to bow to U.S.-Israeli intimidation, the Norwegians divested from Israeli construction companies ‘Africa-Israel Investments’ and ‘Danya Cebus Ltd’ (both run by ‘Blood Diamond’ trader Lev Leviev and involved in building Jewish squatter-settlements across occupied Palestine).

Stoltenberg also withdrew support for the Israeli approved Anglo-American-NATO invasion of Libya in May 2011; two months later, Norway’s streets and shores were awash with innocent blood.

Brevik was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. But that’s not the end of it, and anyone who still believes the tabloid spiel that he acted alone, should re-evaluate eyewitness reports from the scene of the crime.

Anders Brevik is like a damp brick, kick him over and you’ll see the pestilence scurrying underneath, for Brevik has intimate links with Jewish fanatics like Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Isak Nygren, Daniel Pipes and David Horrowitz among others.

“So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists and multiculturalists”.

Anders Breivik

Spencer was Brevik’s spiritual mentor with Geller acting more as a Mira Hindley-esque conduit who nurtured his evil fantasies. The pair are said to have exchanged e-mails and Geller even posted one of his screeds on her anti-Muslim website ‘Atlas Shrugged’. Brevik was also a practicing Freemason / Kabbalist, initiated into the Saint Johannes Lodge, an avid supporter of JDL backed shill Geert Wilders and Avigdor Liberman’s Yisrael Beitenu party.

Israeli propagandist Pamela Geller was in contact with Anders Brevik before the attacks.

Brevik claimed that other pro-Israeli sleeper cells are primed to commit similar attacks in the near future. But despite his confession and obvious links with organized Jewry, very few people have followed up these leads. And as EDL / Zionist violence infects the body politic in Western Europe; it may only be a matter of time before Israel leads another Brevik-esque zombie by the nose and throws him our way.

Some of Anders Brevik’s known accomplices and associates include…

  1. Mr and Mrs Aubrey and Joyce Chernick, U.S. based couple with financial ties to the ADL and the Zionist Organization of America. They currently fund anti-Islamic propagandists Pamela Geller (‘Atlas Shrugged’) and Robert Spencer (‘Jihad Watch’).
  2. ‘English Defence League’ financer Alan Ayling a.k.a. Alan Lake: Brevik had met with EDL thugs and was planning to open a Norwegian wing of the group. Three months before the attack, Norway’s TV 2 ‘Nyhetene’ ran an exposé on Alan Lake. Mr. Lake, a banker and property tycoon, was said to have been in contact with suspected Israeli sayan / Swedish Jew Kent Ekeroth about funding an EDL style terror cell in Oslo.

During his trial, Brevik admitted that he had an “English mentor” i.e. Alan Lake.

“…I have spoken with tens of EDL members and leaders: I supplied them with ideological material in the very beginning”.

Anders Brevik

Other EDL-Brevik linked suspects include Paul Weston, Chris Knowles, Darryl Hobson, Paul Ray a.k.a. Paul Cinato and EDL ringleader Stephen Yaxley Lennon a.k.a. Andrew McMaster a.k.a. Paul Harris a.k.a.Tommy Robinson.

The Israeli controlled EDL almost got a foothold in Norway via Brevik.

Tommy Robinson maintains ties with JDL-JTF-JEDL stooge Roberta Moore, Talmudist Rabbi Nachum Shifren and most of the Zionist groups who supported Anders Brevik.

EDL financier Alan Lake with JEDL-JTF-JDL stooge Roberta Moore.

Robinson’s relationship with Pamela Geller mirrors that shared by Brevik: Geller calls Robinson her ‘colleague’ at the Zionist funded ‘Stop Islamization of Nations’ (SION) cult and laments the fact that he’s been “rotting in prison” after trying to enter the U.S. using a stolen passport. Is Robinson Geller’s new Brevik? Perhaps.

Anders Brevik’s idol and Israeli propagandist Robert Spencer.

3. Israeli Mossad controlled militia ‘The Vikings’: an ‘Integrated Battle Group’ operating in rural Norway pretending to be neo-Nazis. Zionist Jews are running an international network of terror-training as part of their Kibbush (Jewish Holy War) e.g. IDF reservist Yonatan Stern’s Jews-only terror training camp: ‘Kitat Konenut’, is based in NYC, Normon Solomon’s ‘Calibre 3’ in the West Bank offers terror training to Jews from around the world.

Approximately 90 minutes before the attacks, Anders Brevik contacted Zionist Swede politician Isak Nygren, who was staying in a Kibbutz at an undisclosed location in the illegitimate state of Israel. Nygren has met with EDL members (confirmed sightings with Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll) and spouts the kind of extremist Jew rhetoric that would endear him to someone like Brevik.

Nygren, like most of Brevik’s Zionist allies, has attempted to play down his relationship with the Israeli backed mass murderer and has, so far, managed to avoid being brought in for questioning as a possible accomplice to murder or accessory before the fact.

Thus the Israeli terror network linked to the Norway attacks so far is: Brevik-Geller-Spencer-Lake-EDL-JDL-JTF-JEDL-Ekeroth-Nygren and the Mossad.

Anders Brevik now languishes in some prison in Oslo and insists the ‘authorities’ (i.e. Brevik’s Zionist friends in power) are tying to force him to commit suicide. I’m inclined to believe that, after all, he’s more of a liability than an asset for Israel now, and that’s how they tend to treat their henchmen.

22/7 was an act of war by pro-Israel Jewry, and to call it an isolated incident would be a mistake. Now I know that many Jews are decent, law abiding citizens with no links to Israeli terror. But I also know that Jewish extremism is a cancer in the bloodstream of the civilized world. That its international criminal network must be summarily deactivated in accordance with the rule of law with prominent Zionists put on trial at a new Nuremberg.

Norwegian-Palestinian solidarity and the ongoing fight for justice.

Its not anti-Semitic to demand justice, its not anti-Semitism to call a spade a spade and draw a line in the sand against Israeli parasitism, because it’s your life on the line. Would you rather be an ‘anti-Semite’ who has stopped an Israeli terrorist attack or one of the many martyred, Politically Correct liberals who found themselves on the wrong end of an assault rifle on 22/7? The choice is yours, and that’s more of a choice than those poor peaceniks at Utoya ever got.


By Kashif Ahmed

Jewish extremism is the rotten root of the problem. It can’t be resolved at the UN or by protests.

Did the protests against Cast Lead (2008) and Pillar of Cloud (2012) work, or have Jewry’s crimes become progressively worse?

Palestine is under heavy bombardment by the IOF: Babies are being butchered in broad daylight by Herod’s Hebraic henchmen, journalists are openly targeted, families are kidnapped at gunpoint, homes are razed or occupied by Zionist squatters.

People ask me: Has the world gone mad?

I ask them: When do you last remember it being sane?

Believe it or not, but some hapless pro-Palestine activists are still worried about being accused of ‘antisemitism’. Even now they “…question with the wolf on why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb”. Don’t they know that “…you may as well do anything most hard, As seek to soften that–than which what’s harder?–His Jewish heart”.

Why do you think Jewish fanatics have been booted out of 109 countries so far? Why did a Muslim-Russian coalition wage a 900 year war of resistance to bury the Jewish Empire of Khazaria? Why did Imam Ali (RA) refer to his assassin as the “son of the Jewess”?

When Ripley agreed to return to LV-426, it wasn’t to study or bring back the Alien. When Muslims marched on the impregnable Jewish fort of Al-Qamus, Khaybar; it wasn’t with placards and tired old slogans, but with the Divinely-bestowed might of Ali (RA); The Lion of God didn’t knock on the fortress door, he ripped it off its hinges.

Jewish extremism is an ancient evil spawned in the bowels of Hell. Its humanity’s job to send it back there every 100 years or so. That’s it. Its not our responsibility to study the warped mindset of Yiddish inbreds, nor does it fall upon us to pretend that moderate & secular Jews are the majority (they aren’t).

Now that’s not to say we don’t have love for Esther Shifaz (martyr) or appreciate Jews like Stavit Sinai, Gilad Atzmon and a handful of others. Just that we know that pro-Palestinian Jews are 1) An embattled minority and 2) Better suited to effect change within their own community, rather than being burdened with leadership roles in the Palestinian resistance.

Political Judaism must be systematically dismantled in much the same way as Judeo-Communism was in the 1980s. And if PC Muslims, liberals or leftists are still in denial about this; then they belong in a Kibbutz kitchen wearing an apron that says ‘Kiss me, I’m a Shabbos Goy’. They belong on their hands & knees on a leash held by N.M. Rothschild, mumbling pathetic platitudes from behind the studded leather mask of self-censorship & hypocrisy. They belong with the LGBTQ brigade, with corrupt politicians, controlled-op shills and abortionists. They belong in…you get the idea.

Political Judaism is the Evil Dead.

We are Bruce Campbell.

The French Dis-Connection

By David Musa Pidcock

President Macron says Islam ‘in crisis’, prompting backlash from Muslims

Islam is a religion that is in crisis all over the world today’, says Macron, as he unveils plan to defend secularism.

French President Emmanuel Macron delivers a speech to present his strategy to fight ‘radicalisation’ on October 2, 2020 in Les Mureaux outside Paris [Ludovic Marin/AFP] 2 Oct 2020

French President Emmanuel Macron delivers a speech to present his strategy to fight ‘radicalisation’ on October 2, 2020 in Les Mureaux outside Paris [Ludovic Marin/AFP]

2 Oct 2020

President Emmanuel (GOD BE WITH US?) Macron has unveiled a plan to defend France’s secular values against what he termed as “Islamist radicalism”, saying the religion was “in crisis” all over the world, prompting a backlash from Muslim activists”.

Placing him in direct opposition to the views of Napoleon Bonaparte, who, according to official French and Arab documents first published in 1914 by Christian Cherfils, in his book Bonaparte Et L’Islam, plus independent testimony from the likes of Goethe and Auguste Comte who’s reply to Macron back then would still remain: “even from an intellectual aspect, atheism only constitutes a very inadequate emancipation, since it tends to prolong indefinitely the metaphysical state in ceaselessly pursuing new solutions to theological problems instead of discarding as essentially vain all the researches pursuing the same inaccessible questions.”

The Gazzette National ou Le Moniteur Universel which announced Napoleon’s conversion to Islam on the 6th of the 12th 1798, and his adoption of the name Ali Boneaparte. Brings us to a significant bone of contention regarding the contents of this book. It is clear, from reading the original Preface by Sherif Abd el-Hakim, that he must have been commenting on selected extracts unaware of the entire contents of the book for he speaks uncritically of Napoleon’s “love” for Islam and his “blissful sojourn” amongst the Muslims.

On the other hand we have the attitude of, allegedly, ‘well informed Muslims’ who have tried to dismiss, out of hand, his conversion as a purely cosmetic exercise: “The pragmatic gamble of an astute, cynical operator who, when it suited him, professed whatever creed was necessary to achieve his political objectives.

Speaking from personal experience, as a politically active European convert, the publication of this fact could not have helped him politically as it galvanised the disparate forces of Polytheism and high finance into an effective, zealous alliance, with unlimited financial resources at their disposal to mobilise sufficient men, materials and black propaganda to frustrate his reforms. Being notorious for often throwing out their babies with the bath water, one of the main stumbling blocks for Muslims in studying this book, and turning it into a useful weapon, stems from a injudicious declaration by Napoleon which stated that he believed that he was destined to achieve greater military victories than the Prophet Muhammad, a man he greatly admired: (See Document xxxviii).

Furthermore, or so it would appear, he believed that he (like the Mahdi AS), was destined to play a major, preordained role, in the revival of Islam. This is not unusual for zealous converts or converts wishing to appear zealous. His Russian campaign, according to McNair Wilson, was not a misjudged, reckless affair, but a situation forced upon him through a treacherous betrayal, by amongst others Talleyrand.

Muslims would do well to recall that the Sudanese Mahdi – who attracted a huge following – but could not have been the one ordained to revive Islam, because he did not fulfil the criteria set down in all the authentic hadith literature. It was not uncommon, even amongst divinely inspired prophets, peace be upon them all, for them to introduce some personal elements of desire into the messages they were entrusted to convey, a point clearly made in verse 52 of Surah 22 the Hajj or the Pilgrimage in the Qur’an: “Never did we send an apostle or a prophet before you (Muhammad), but when he framed a desire, Satan through some vanity into his desire: but Allah will cancel anything vain that Satan throws in…” Napoleon, after all, was only human.

Having said that – The Memorial of Napoleon by William Hazlitt, the British essayist and critic (1778-1830), is a fitting tribute to Bonaparte, who, whatever the case may be, must be regarded as an enlightened individual, certainly when compared with the likes of Nelson, Wellington and their paymasters at N.M.Rothschild: “He put his foot on the neck of Kings, who would have put their yokes upon the necks of the People: he scattered before him with fiery execution, millions of hired slaves, who came at the bidding of their Masters to deny the rights of others to be free.

The monument of greatness and of Glory he erected, was raised on ground forfeited again and again to humanity – it reared its majestic front on the ruins of the shattered hopes and broken faith of the common enemies of mankind. If he could not secure the freedom, peace, and happiness of his country, he made her a terror to those who by sowing civil dissension, and exciting foreign wars, would not let her enjoy those blessings.

They who had trampled upon Liberty could not at least triumph in her shame and her despair, but themselves became objects of pity and derision. Their determination to persist in extremity of wrong, only brought on them repeated defeat, disaster, and dismay: the accumulated aggressions their infuriated pride and disappointed malice meditated against others, returned in just and aggravated punishment upon themselves: they heaped the coals of fire upon their own heads: they drank deep and long, in gall and bitterness, of the poisoned chalice they had prepared for others: the destruction with which they threatened a people daring to call itself free, hung suspended over their heads, like a precipice, ready to fall upon and crush them.

‘A while they stood abashed,’ abstracted from their evil purposes, and felt how awful Freedom is, its power  how dreadful. Shrunk from the boasted pomp of royal state into their littleness as men, defeated of their revenge, baulked of their prey, their schemes stripped of their bloated pride, and with nothing left but the deformity of their malice, not daring to utter a syllable or move a finger, the lords of the earth, who had looked upon men as of an inferior species, born for their use, and devoted to be their slaves, turned an imploring eye to the People, and with coward hearts and hollow tongues invoked the Name of Liberty, thus to get the people once more within their unhallowed grip, and to stifle the name of Liberty for ever.”

“If he was ambitious, his greatness was not founded on the unconditional, avowed surrender of the rights of human nature. But, with him, the state of Man rose exalted too. If he was arbitrary and a tyrant, first, France as a country was in a state of military blockade, on garrison duty, and not to be defended by mere paper bullets of the brain; secondly, but chief, he was not nor could he become, a tyrant by ‘right divine.’ Tyranny in him was not ‘sacred’: it was not eternal: it was not instinctively bound in league of amity with other tyrannies: it was not sanctioned by all ‘the laws of religion and Morality.”



We do not pretend to establish, from the few documents which follow, Napoléon’s pure and simple persistence in Bonapartist ideas. Every man who thinks also evolves, and we are not writing today the history of a philosopher’s thinking, but that of his progresive thinking, in brief, the evolution of his doctrine. All the more reason why the thinking of the statesman should also be subject to evolution….

What we want to establish is no more than this :

(a) Persistence of the profound effect exerted on Bonaparte by the religion of the Prophet, whom he loved;

(b) By implication, the absolute sincerity of the Cairo proclamations and the instructions he gave there;

(c) And in consequence, the compounded error levied against Bonaparte the Islamophile: shortcomings of the French leaders who did not understand him, and took it as a joke; lack of foresight within the population and among a majority of the indigenous top people, who failed to gauge the importance of the occasion.

We know the passionate interest of Goethe in everything that touches on Islamism. He had translated Voltaire’s Mahomet (1), and eliminated everything hostile to the prophet’s memory. (2)

When they met, on the 2nd October 1808, Goethe and Napoléon almost immediately started talking about Mahomet.

Here is Goethe’s account:

The Emperor takes his lunch, sitting at a very large round table; on his right, at a few steps from the table, stands Talleyrand ; on his left, and close by him, is Daru, with whom he discusses the taxes to be raised.

The Emperor signals for me to make my approach.

I remain standing before him, at a respectful distance.

Having looked me over carefully, he says, “You are a man.”

I bow my head. He puts a question:. “How old are you?”


“You are well preserved. You have written dramas?”

I give a minimal response.

Here Daru takes up the theme. In order to flatter the Germans and to a certain point soften the pain he was forced to inflict upon them, he had studied a little of their literature; Daru knew Latin literature very well, indeed he was the author of an edition of Horace.

He talks about me as the most favourable critics in Berlin might have done, at least I recognised in his words their ideas and mannerisms.

He added that I had translated French works, notably Voltaire’s Mahomet.

The Emperor replied, “That is not a good play.” And he further revealed in a very detailed fashion how little it suited the conqueror of the world to make such an unfavourable portrayal of him..

He then turned the conversation to Werther, whom he must have studied from beginning to end…..

The Emperor seemed satisfied and came back to the drama; he made significant observations like a man who had studied the dramatic scene as carefully as a criminal judge, and who had strongly felt that the mistake of the French theatre is to distance itself from Nature and truth.

While developing this aspect, he disapproved of the dramas where fate plays a major role: “These plays belong to an epoch of darkness. Besides, what do they mean by their fate? Politics is fate.” (3)

On Saint Helena, after a reading of Voltaire’s Mahomet by Marchand, Napoléon expressed his ideas on the play, and Marchand collected them. These notes are, as the editor says, “the impulse of a frank opinion”. Therein their merit lies.


(1) Translator’s Note: Mahomet is the French spelling, which has been used throughout this version.

(2) About this very strange matter, see Friedrich Warnecke: Goethe’s Mahomet – Problem, Halle.

(3) See S.Sklower, conversation between Napoleon 1st and Goethe, by S.Sklower, Lille, Ernest Vanackere, 1853.

Napoleon Et’L Islam is, therefore, a major contribution to understanding someone who clearly had more than a passing interest in the Qur’an, its Message and its Messenger – peace and blessings be upon him. Whether or not he fasted or prayed five times a day is really of secondary importance (for there are many today who claim to be Muslims and do neither) what is important, however, is the fact that he truly recognised Islam as a superior system to the one prevailing elsewhere (then as now) and took a great deal of it for his own use and the benefit of his empire.

As the Holy Qu’ran states: Islam is a mercy to all creation. Furthermore he correctly concluded that the religion of Abraham would be revived through its sciences. Present day developments in Malaysia and other parts of the Islamic world seem to indicate that the Muslims are beginning to wake up to this important fact. No longer content to rehearse an endless litany of former glories – they are once again beginning to take notice of the Prophet’s (PBUH) advice particularly where he said: “Search for knowledge even unto China”. As we approach the beginning of a new century whoever emerges this time to revive the fortunes of Islam he would do well to consider Napoleon’s vision:

“I hope that the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men in the country and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of the Qur’an which alone are true and which alone can lead men to happiness… Christianity preaches only servitude and dependence…” (See Part Four – Correspondences of Napoleon Ist, No.3,148. page 110.)

On reading Napoleon & Islam, Mr Macron, like Lafitte, the Liberal Banker, on his way to the Hotel De’Ville following the July Revolution, is likely to also let slip the same remark given to the Duke of Orleans: ‘Hence forth the bankers will be in control’].



Islam, Napoleon and The Battle for France

Indian Involvement in the Assassination of Iranian General Suleimani

By Kashif Ahmed

Iran must cut all ties with the Israeli controlled, Indian government.

Indian PM, Narendra Modi, is an avowed enemy of Islam and working for the U.S.-Israel.

The Indian RAW are suspected of facilitating the U.S.-Israeli terror attack that killed Major General Qassim Suleimani, Colonel Shahroud Muzaffari-Niya, Brigadier General Hossein Pur-Jafari, Major Hadi Tarmi, Captain Vahid Zamanian, Commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Public Affairs official Mohammad al-Jabiriand and three as yet unnamed personnel.

India is the only link between Iran and the U.S–Israel: No other Iranian ally is dependant on the illegitimate state of Israel. No other Iranian ally is armed and trained by Tel Aviv. No other Iranian ally with ties to Tel Aviv, has infiltrated Iran to the extent that India has via Chabahar.

Iran is a pro-Pakistan, pro-Kashmir, pro-Palestine country, blessed with heroic and honorable people. But that doesn’t mean its immune to conspiracies which threaten the very foundations of the Islamic Revolution.

Iran must understand that doing business with India at the moment, is the equivalent of letting ‘Israel’ in through the back door: India is the U.S.-Israel’s lapdog in the region, so any bit of information that passes by an Indian, goes straight back to his Israeli handlers in Herzliya or elsewhere.

Now obviously I don’t mean every Indian in the world is on the U.S.-Israeli payroll. But given the Israeli-Indian connection; all it takes is for one guy to see or hear something which could compromise national security, and for them to tell someone else and someone else until it gets to the enemy.

“Our assessment is that the United States informed Israel about this operation in Iraq, apparently a few days ago”.

Barak Ravid, Tel Aviv based Senior Diplomatic Correspondent, Channel 13.

Israel had advance notice of U.S. plan to kill Iranian general Suleimani, report says, Los Angeles Times, By NOGA TARNOPOLSKY

Barak Ravid is known to have close links with the Israeli Mossad and Indian RAW.


nepal today

“The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that a meeting in this regard between certain Daesh leaders and TTP’s Afghanistan based leader Mulla Fazalullah was organized by Ajit Doval through the Indian Consulate in Kandahar in October this year.

The Investigations reveal that for the said meeting Daesh participants travelled to Kandahar by road from Iraq via Iran while Fazalullah (aka Mullah Radio) and his team were specially flown to India’s Kandahar Consulate from Nuristan area of Afghanistan where he is running a proper military base of TTP. 

India-ISIS Linkage and Ajit Doval, By ANJALI SHARMA, Nepal Today Gorkha Express Weekly



“U.S. economic and political actions have created an understanding between China, Russia and Iran that we’re all targets, with a commonality being felt by the leaderships of the three countries. India could also one day be a U.S. target. But for the time-being Trump needs Modi’s votes in Texas.”

Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, November 16th, 2019

December 31st, 2019, Baghdad, Iraq: Iraqis protest in-front of the U.S. embassy in response to U.S. drone strikes on Iraq’s Hashd al-Sha’abi a.k.a. Popular Mobilization Units (PMU). The PMU defeated ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service–India is ISIS in the region–see Nepal Today article above for details) so Tel Aviv, Washington and New Delhi have been trying to attack them for some time.

The U.S.-Israeli occupation’s main objective here is to force the Iraqi government to remove PMU as an official unit of the armed forces, so that they can keep a steady supply of U.S. mercenaries employed in the country.

January 3rd, 2020, Baghdad, Iraq: U.S.-Israeli terror attack.

Zionist Jewry may attempt to commit a false flag in the West to frame Iran. But Tel Aviv would be discouraged from doing that, if Iran makes some kind of major declaration: A declaration that will make the prospect of any direct U.S. invasion out of the question.

The most likely scenario after that; will be intensified proxy wars in Iraq, Syria and possibly Lebanon.

Bottom line: India is ‘Israel’, ‘Israel’ is India, and ‘Israel’ is the rotten root of the problem.

Chief Rabbi on Labour’s Alleged Antisemitism

By David Musa Pidcock



Pages 1-8  ……………………..  Answering Antisemitism

Pages 9-37 …………………….. “Yes, we are racists”

Pages 38-43…………………….. The War Against G-d

Pages 44- 53……………………..Swindler’s Tryst

Pages 54-59…………………….. ‘Six Million Open Gates’

Pages 60-68…………………….. “A Mendacious Fiction”

Pages 69-80…………………….. ‘Commissary to the Gentiles’

Pages 80-82 ……………………..Rabbi Mervis Breaks the 9th Commandment


Excerpt from the report ‘Chief Rabbi on Labour’s Alleged Antisemitism’…

Dear Jeremy,

You Must Counter This Long Standing Zionist Propaganda Falsely Charging People With Being Anti-Semitic When They Are Simply Being Anti-Semantic Because they See And State Things The Way They Really Are.

As I mentioned, when we last we met in Nottingham, both my sister and cousin converted to Judaism in order to marry. Cutting to the chase, here is a sample of the stuff that Rabbi Mirvis does not want Joe Public and or existing parliamentary “Friends of Israel” to learn about, because they would drop them like the proverbial hot brick – and rightly so.

This demonic theology is the basis on which the State of Israel was founded and its population groomed and indoctrinated in order to make sure they continue to accept its anti-human slave-making agenda…

Excerpt from the report ‘Chief Rabbi on Labour’s Alleged Antisemitism’…

Therefore Rabbi Mervis, it is incumbent on you to apologise to Jeremy and
the others who you have slandered in this process and ask Almighty God to
forgive you for your unjust behaviour and in breaking several of His Sacred
Commandments in particular #9 which prohibits bearing of FALSE WITNESS.

Forward March Stands with Imran Khan Against Nawaz-Zardari and Fake Mullah Fazlu

By  Kashif Ahmed

Israeli-Indian stooge & former PM, Nawaz Sharif, has been granted bail on medical grounds, and may attempt to flee the country.

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Nawaz Sharif with The Butcher of Gujarat, Indian PM Narendra Modi, in 2013

There’s talk that Nawaz may be allowed to leave, after agreeing to a backroom plea-bargain to return some of the money the Sharif clan have stolen over the past 30 years. But allowing Nawaz Sharif to leave without a written admission of guilt & a public declaration about the stolen wealth he’s allegedly returned; would make a mockery of the law.

Mr. Sharif is currently serving a seven-year prison term for corruption. His daughter; Mariyum Nawaz, and son-in-law; Safdar Awan, are also doing time for perjury & incitement-to-violence respectively. Nawaz Sharif has a number of other cases pending; including a potential treason charge (Article 6) in which he’s accused of collaborating with the illegitimate state of Israel.

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Volume 10 contains evidence from the Joint-Investigation-Team’s report in the Hill Metals Case, exposing Nawaz Sharif’s links with Tel Aviv.

If, and it is an ‘if’ at this stage, his name is removed from the ECL (Exit Control List), then Nawaz Sharif’s fugitive sons and crooked ex-Finance Minister, Ishaq Dar (all convicted of corruption), must be repatriated BEFORE Nawaz is allowed to leave. Shabaz Sharif should be persuaded to make a statement calling for Mr. Dar, Hassan Nawaz & Hussain Nawaz, to stop hiding in the UK and return to face justice in Pakistan. Anything less would be unacceptable, because by letting the Sharif clan escape & regroup; Pakistan would inadvertently facilitate the creation of another RAW-MQM-esque terrorist organization.

The Sharif’s desperation to run; should also be taken as a sign that war with India is on the horizon, and these traitors want to be out of the country when it begins. Whereas other Indian agents (e.g. ‘Maulana’ Fazal ur-Rehman—colloquailly known as Maulana Diesel) will attempt to aid & abet the enemy by destabilizing Pakistan from within on October 27th (Fazlu deliberately chose this date to clash with Kashmir Day).

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Indian backed cleric, Fazal ur-Rehman, plans anti-Imran Khan march on October 27th.

That said; Pakistan has seen off U.S.-Israeli-Indian sponsored terrorism, corrupt politicians and all manner of other threats before. God willing, I’m quietly confident that Pakistan will also hit this over the Pavilion for Six: Thus I stand with PM Imran Khan and the permanent state (i.e. the Armed Forces and Secret Service) against all enemies; foreign and domestic.

And as for ‘Maulana’ Diesel’s march? We made our predictions on Twitter last month; lets see how it goes tomorrow.



Priti in Stink: Patel Appointed Home Secretary in Bojo’s Kosher Cabinet

By Kashif Ahmed

The bad news is that this is the most openly Zionist cabinet since the Tony Blair years.

The good news is that all their careers will end if Boris fails to deliver Brexit by Halloween.

The bad-news-within the-good-news, is that if it looks like Boris won’t deliver, then Patel’s handlers in the illegitimate state of Israel will attempt to commit a black swan false flag: Give Johnson his faux-Churchill moment, impose some Draconian laws and distract the gullible ‘goyim’ for a while.

The good-news-within-the-bad-news-within-the-good news; is that there still exist some patriotic factions of the permanent state, who aren’t working for Tel Aviv. And these chaps (and ladies) have an interest (or just a bit of self-respect and professionalism) in ensuring that Britain isn’t humiliated again by Jewish terrorists (Israel did 7/7 and Manchester).

Now we all know that Patel is a corrupt, treasonous, Hindu supremacist lackey for the apartheid regime in ‘Israel’, and the worst possible candidate for this position. But here she is. Why?

Well, when Priti Patel was forced to resign in October 2017, she did so with a pipsqueak parting threat to those who didn’t have to. Boris et al pushed Priti onto her sword, and allegedly told her they’d take her back once May was out. So Patel essentially took the fall for…

Official portrait of Lord Polak crop 2.jpg

Stuart Polak a.k.a Baron Polak of Hertsmere (OBE): Former officer of the Board of Deputies of British Jews , former Director of Conservative Friends of Israel. Polak accompanied Patel to ‘Israel’ in 2017.

Image result for priti patel israel tweetImage result for priti patel israel tweetImage result for priti patel israel tweet

Patel had 14 secret meetings with the Israelis: 12 in ‘Israel’, 1 in New York and 1 in London.

“Boris knew about the visit. The point is that the Foreign Office did know about this, Boris knew about it. I went out there, I paid for it. And there is nothing else to this. It is quite extraordinary. It is for the Foreign Office to go away and explain themselves. The stuff that is out there is it, as far as I am concerned. I went on holiday and met with people and organisations. As far as I am concerned, the Foreign Office have known about this. It is not about who else I met; I have friends out there.”

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Priti Patel Interview, The Guardian, 4th November 2017. 

Priti Patel also has friends in India. Namely the Hindu extremists of the RSS-BJP.

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The Israeli controlled, Hindutva-RSS regime; has turned India into a festering cesspit of gang-rapes, communal violence, sectarian lynch mobs and literal shit shows.

Patel’s long standing affiliation with the RSS-BJP, is indicative of her extremist views, and fanatical adherence to the demented dogma of Hindu supremacy.


Here’s what some of Patel’s friends have been up to lately…

Bottom line: England is saddled with an Indian-Israeli agent as Home Secretary. Good news for the Mossad and RAW, bad news for Britain.

Israeli Connection to New Zealand Terror Attacks

By Kashif Ahmed

Jewish terror on Purim & the 25th anniversary of the Hebron massacre.

Israeli terrorists opened fire on worshippers during Friday prayers at Al Noor Mosque and Linwood Mosque, Christchurch, New-Zealand.

50 Muslims were martyred, 50 injured.


Australian-Israeli terrorist, Brenton Tarrant, was aided & abetted by up to three armed accomplices (two of whom were caught on camera). In his manifesto, Tarrant expressed admiration for Israeli backed terrorist, Anders Breivik. And said that he’d received Brevik’s “blessing” to carry out these heinous & cowardly attacks.

Brenton Tarrant is a crypto-Jew. And part of the Israeli sleeper-cell network given up by Anders Brevik under E-Service interrogation in 2011.

For vital background information on the Brevik case, please read the following reports written after 22/7, Norway:

22/7 Utøya Island Massacre: The Israeli–English Defence League Connection

Massacre In Norway: Mossad Strikes Again Under ‘Lone Gunman’ Cover

Assessing the manner in which the attack itself (henceforth referred to as 15/3) was planned & executed, there are some obvious similarities to the Jewish terror attacks in Hebron and Norway.

  • The Mossad had a front man projecting a far-right, crusader-masonic image, supported by 2-3 others whose identities would be kept out of the media.
  • Both 15/3 and 22/7 had EDL-JEDL-Jewish-Nazi links. 
  • Both 15/3 and 22/7 employed the use of a car-bomb as a secondary line of attack (The Mossad detonated it on a crowded high street in Oslo on 22/7 killing 8 people, whilst the NZ bomb-squad deactivated the one Tarrant’s cell planned to use on 15/3).
  • In both cases, police ARUs (Armed Response Units) took a unusually long time to arrive, suggesting some level of collaboration with the terrorists (that’s not to say the entire force was involved, but that SOP was clearly compromised by someone on the inside).
  • Brenton and Brevik were both arrested on site.
  • Brenton and Brevik boasted about being members of the “Knights Templar” cult (i.e. Freemasonry / Jewish Cabaala).

Brenton Tarrant’s cover was to work as a personal trainer at the Big River Squash & Fitness Centre, Grafton, New South Wales, from 2009-11.

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Tarrant (via a chain of Israeli conduits) was allegedly introduced to Melbourne based Jewish fanatic, Avi Yemeni.

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Avi Yemeni a.k.a. Avraham Shalom Yemeni a.k.a. Avrohom Sholom Waks: Israeli Occupation Forces member (sniper division, Golany Brigade, Gaza Strip), war crimes suspect, dual national, Krav Maga instructor, owns the IDF Gym, Melbourne, suspected recruiter for the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS).  Have a quick read of Avi’s life-story here.

Avi, when he isn’t waging Kibbush (i.e. Jewish Holy War) on the gullible goyim, can be found nestling in the rectal repositories of Israeli controlled, neo-Nazi groups across Australia. Here’s what he had to say in the wake of the Christchurch attack (which is in keeping with the standard line that all Israeli agents have adopted on 15/3).

The nature of Avi Yemeni’s relationship with Jewish neo-Nazism and connection to 15/3, is similar to the manner in which the JEDL (Jewish English Defence League), Robert Spencer & Pamela Geller groomed / recruited Anders Brevik.

The EDL-JEDL-Jewish-Nazi network behind Anders Brevik, was also behind Tarrant; who openly referred to Darren Osborne (pro-Israeli, pro-EDL terrorist who was handed a life sentence for vehicular homicide against worshippers at a Mosque in Finsbury Park, 2017) as a “partisan”.

Think of Avi as the Mossad’s man in Melbourne; the lynch-pin between Jewish extremism, the JEDL and Australian neo-Nazism.

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Avi in the Israeli Occupation Forces, 2007.

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Avi with EDL co-founder & Israeli agent, Tommy Robinson.

  • After leaving Big River Gym in 2011, Tarrant travels the world and surveils a number of pro-Palestinian countries (e.g. Pakistan, Turkey, North Korea–all places targeted by Israeli terrorists or their proxies in the last decade).
  • According to Barak Raviv of Israeli Channel 13 News, Tarrant visited ‘Israel’ on October 25th 2016 on a 3 month visa.
  • Veteran’s Today confirms Tarrant went back to ‘Israel’ in 2018 for 6 months: Its likely he was debriefed at a Jewish terror training camp.
  • Tarrant was funded in crypto-currency via Bitconnect.

Divyesh Darji has been accused of duping investors of $12.7 Bn through the, the Indian division of the UK-based Bitconnect (.com), which was launched right after demonetisation. Narendra Modi’s “masterstroke” also apparently caused the rerouting of a mix of white, black, and grey money into cryptocurrencies, mostly Bitcoin.

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Divyesh Darji, the head of Bitconnect India and the alleged kingpin of the Gujarat cryptocurrency scam, was arrested at Delhi airport. The other accused–Satish Kumbhani, Dhaval Mavani, and Suresh Gorasiya–are yet to be arrested. The total amount of the scam could vary between $3 Bn to $12.7 Bn. Darji was brought to Gandhinagar by the Gujarat CID team, which is investigating the case.

Gujarat Cryptocurrency Scam: Divyesh Darji of Bitconnect Is The New Amit Bhardwaj, Suprita Anupam, Inc42, 20th Aug 2018


“We have a single young man, 28 years old, a “physical trainer” with tons of inherited money, who travels the world, photographs everything, is loved by everyone, then mysteriously goes on a personal murder rampage.

What we really have is a trained assassin, 42 years old, from a Jewish family, who trained against Palestinians and served in Southern Syria and in Idlib (with the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service–ISIS)..solid intelligence sources say 4 women “tourists” aided in “handling and logistics” and local police counter-terrorism forces supplied a second shooter.

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Brenton Tarrant making a White Power / Judeo-Masonic gesture in court.

This time he made the mistake of crossing into areas watched by Russian and Syrian intelligence, where VT receives daily private briefings. They know him, after all, he was supposed to murder President Assad. Oh that? CNN failed to mention that?”

New Zealand: The Unravelling of an Israeli Mass Murder? Veterans Today,
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor – March 17th, 2019


Neo-Nazis are not National Socialists. They’re useful idiots for Israeli terrorism.

Its quite easy to differentiate between them, for example…


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In fact, as we’ve proven many times before, neo-Nazism is a Zionist scam for dim-witted White folks: A Judaized knock off of National Socialism, which was created / popularised after WWII, for three main purposes:

  1. To incite Muslim-Christian race wars that allow Jewish fanatics to sow division / hatred amongst non-Jews. For the longer we ‘Goyim’ (derogatory Yiddish term for non-Jews) spend fighting each other, the less time we’ll have to identify Jewish extremism as our mutual & eternal enemy.
  2. To allow Zionist Jewry a platform to undermine secular and moderate Jews.
  3. To ratchet up the tension / create anxiety within the Jewish community, so that some of them will flee to the illegitimate state of Israel and become squatters on Palestinian land.

“This place (Spain) is lost… Europe is lost: Spain is a hub of Islamist terror: I encourage Jews to buy property in Israel”.
Rabbi Meir Bar-Hen (Interview by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency) after the Israeli terror attacks in Barcelona, 2017

Now I’m of the opinion that the eliminationist aspect of the White genocide theory,  is provable to some extent–i.e. Whites have been corralled into war upon war, some White folks (e.g. David Duke, Ernst Zundel, Sylvia Stoltz) have been denied the right of reply, and abortion is aggressively promoted as a viable option for Whites, more than it is for Jews. The only problem being that alt-right neo-Nazi White people, are working for the perpetrators (i.e. Jewish extremists and Rothschild controlled regimes) but blaming everyone besides Jewish extremists and Rothschild controlled regimes, for their predicament.

Neo-Nazis / the alt-right are always whining about refugees, but simultaneously support those U.S.-Israeli policies that cause MPD (Mass-Population Displacement) in the first place–e.g. Saprostomous Jewish yokel, Kate Hopkins, brayed about murdering immigrants with gunships in the Mediterranean (looks like she partially got her wish on 15/3), whilst openly endorsing the U.S.-Israeli instigated wars that caused the exodus to begin with.

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These people are Israeli agents.

The enemy within.

Its not for nothing that Jewish extremists have been booted out of 109 counties so far. Mass-expulsion 110 may well include their enablers / Shabbos Goys.

For if Hitler were around today, he’d have these Zionist ‘alt-right’ traitors rounded up on sight, declared untermenschen and frog-marched to the gallows faster than they could shriek Oy Vey! But alas, people are stupid & corrupt, and these particular White people are ahead of the pack when it comes to self-defeating imbecility.

Jewry’s Caucasian Cucks: That’s Canadian ‘shiksa’ Lauren Southern making the White Power sign. Kneeling beside her is Stuart Von Moger, also making the White Power sign. Forth from your left: Tom Sewell.

Right to Left: Von Moger again, New-Zealander Tom Sewell (making the White Power sign) and Blair Cottrell. Sewell & Cottrell founded The Lad’s Society in Cheltenham, Melbourne in 2017. The Lad’s Society is an offshoot of The United Patriots Front (UPF).

The aforementioned trio are known to move around a bit, and all these Israeli front groups / sleeper cells, tend to change their names quite often to appear bigger than they are, plan attacks & avoid exposure: So its not surprising to learn then; that the UPF, Lad’s Society,  Australia First, The Unshackled, XYZ, Soldiers of Odin, The Vikings, Combat 18, Klub Nation, Nationalist Alternative etc are more-or-less the same people being shuffled around by their Israeli handlers.

“A fascist group moved in up the road from my home in Ashfield recently. They’ve been responsible for putting up swastika-emblazoned stickers in the area, and they hold “fight clubs” to allegedly “train white men for racist violence”.

The chap who runs the Ashfield branch, the lease for which the group signed on April 20th, is Mark McDonald, who previously led neo-Nazi group “Squadron 88”. Although, he’s not the big mucky-muck who founded the little playgroup for neo-Nazis. No, that title belongs to New Zealand-born Tom Sewell.

You might know him as one of the grotesques who emerged from the “Reclaim Australia” rally, alongside Blair Cottrell, serving as sidekick to Cottrell for the United Patriots Front (UPF), a group which, at least in the collective view, collapsed under the weight of its own Facebook-deletion.

Meanwhile, Richardson French, the real estate agency representing the Melbourne headquarters, has apparently put their meeting space back up on the market.

Perhaps in constant relocation, they’ll eventually run out of suburbs to make themselves home. It doesn’t stop their views, of course, but it does erode their platform. That might be just enough.

There goes the neighbourhood: Confronting the fascist fight club next door, The Big Smoke Australia, DECEMBER 4th 2018, JORDAN KING LACROIX

Tom Sewells name came up in relation to the Christchurch attacks. And The Lad’s Society’s known links with Avi Yemeni (i.e. the Mossad’s man in Melbourne), could implicate Sewell as one of the conduits who (knowingly or unknowingly) aided 15/3.

These boys ought to understand that they’re in over their heads: They think they’re building some kind of a community or doing something positive for their race. But they’re just tools for the evil ideology of Jewish extremism: Expendable assets used by treasonous politicos to further the criminal agenda of the illegitimate state of Israel, and the Rothschild central bank.

“When Cottrell (along with UPF leadership Neil Erikson and Chris Shortis), was charged and then convicted with racial vilification, Avi Yemini showed up to the court offering his moral support, brought awareness to the plight victims of political correctness, and generally built their profiles and their case within a broader far-right milieu”.

Avi Yemini's mateAvi Yemini and Neil Erikson

7+ Times Avi Yemini consorted with Neo-Nazis, Australian Jewish Democratic Society JUNE 11th, 2018, BY AJDS

Now of all the vile statements issued by Israeli agents after Christchurch. One of the most demented diatribes spewed forth from smarmy Shabbos Goy, Queensland Senator, Fraser Anning.

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Fraser Anning may come from a long line of ignorant, racist serial killers, land thieves and squatters (i.e. the accursed bloodline of Charles Cumming Stone Anning). But being born into The House of Anning, is no excuse for his treasonous, Netanyahu-esque outburst.

Rather than hang his head in shame over the fact that one of his fellow citizens turned traitor, collaborated with Jewish terrorists, and travelled to a foreign country to commit a craven attack against civilians in a place of worship. Anning used the crime to push his Israeli dictated agenda of a clash of civilisations and inciting Muslim-Christian race wars.

That said, it’d be remiss of me not to state the fact that Fraser Anning was already a national disgrace. Succinctly described by one of his compatriots, as “a c**t of a human being”, Anning remains a burdensome embarrassment for the vast majority of Australians.

Queensland Senator, Fraser Anning with Blair Cottrell at a pro-Israeli / White Supremacist rally in St. Kilda, Melbourne, January 5th 2019. Note the Scorpion tattoo on Cottrell’s arm: Its the original insignia of the Israeli-controlled, Scorpion paramilitary gang, deployed against Bosnian Muslims during the Yugoslavian war. Now think about those anti-Muslim references daubed on one of the murder weapons used at Christchurch.


23rd December 2016: New Zealand co-sponsored UN Resolution 2334, which condemned the ongoing building of Jewish squatter-settlements on Palestinian land.

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“We have been very open about our view that the UN Security Council should be doing more to support the Middle East peace process. And the position we adopted today is totally in line with our long established policy on the Palestinian question”.

New Zealand’s Foreign Minister Murray McCully

“The Prime Minister says New Zealand will not be bullied on the international stage, after the US warned it would be “taking names” on a UN vote on Israel”.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (inset) says NZ will not be bullied on its stand on Israel and Jerusalem.

NZ won’t be bullied on Israel vote – Ardern, 5:21 pm on 21 December 2017

After the Israeli terror attack in Barcelona, Forward March reported that Jewish fanatics working for the illegitimate state of Israel (including Israeli co-opted factions of Western Intelligence services and the Police force) were targeting countries that had recently adopted a pro-Palestinian stance.

2011: Norway: 22/7 committed by Israeli backed terrorist Anders Brevik and accomplices, after BDS endorsed by President Stoltenberg.
2011: Norway: E-Serivce agents interrogate Brevik, who says that more Israeli terror cells in Europe are awaiting orders from Tel Aviv.
2013: Ukraine: U.S.-Israeli allied far right groups orchestrate coup d’etat. Establish U.S.-NATO weapon supply lines to Jewish controlled sleeper cells across Western Europe. Coup committed to destabilise Russia, and discourage Moscow from supporting the pro-Palestinian, Syrian Armed Forces. The Kremlin’s inspired counter-response, leads to the Russian reunification with Crimea.
2015: France: Voted in favour of Palestine for the first time at the UN: Hebdo false flag, Paris attack, Bastille Day attack. Acting upon orders issued by Benjamin Netanyhu, Francois Hollande imposed laws to curtail pro-Palestinian freedom of speech and ban BDS.
2016: Belgium: Left wing parties support unconditional recognition of Palestine, whilst the right wing chamber of representatives adopted a resolution to recognise Palestine on 5th February 2015. Brussels airport attacked by ISIS-Israel on 22/3.
2016: Germany supports UNHRC report condemning Israeli war crimes in Gaza. Munich attacked by ISIS-Israeli gunmen on 22/7.

2017: Netherlands reject U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem. Dutch Foreign Minister, Stef Blok, states:

2019: Dutch parliament to include Gaza and West Bank as places of birth for Palestinians. Netherlands attacked. Three killed in a suspected terror attack on a tram in Urecht.


The illegitimate state of Israel has previous in New Zealand, and the Kiwis have often put up a commendably spirited fight against the Mossad. Auckland has, on occasion, successfully thwarted attempts by Tel Aviv to use their country as an FOB for Jewish terrorism.

The two Israeli Mossad spies who were arrested and jailed in New Zealand for attempted to obtain a fraudulent passport for Barkan in 2004 appear in an Auckland court. Barkan vanished

April 2004:  Israeli Mossad spies, Uriel Kelman, 30, and Eli Cara, 50, were arrested and jailed for attempting to obtain a fraudulent passport for Mossad terror suspect, Zev Barkan. They should have been indicted on espionage & terrorism charges, but got an unduly lenient 6-month sentence for passport fraud.










A number of low-intensity, but nonetheless noteworthy, anti-Muslim incidents have been reported since 15/3. The enemy seems a tad nervous about trying anything on a similar scale, despite Zionist dog-whistles to the contrary. Obviously, vigilance is a must.




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Fake News Industry: Jewish media outlets attempt to incite Muslim-Christian conflict in the West.


  1. Armed guards: Security firms can apply for a state license as per the laws & legal requirements of your country. All armed personnel must be trained by a recognised body and hold a valid license before being deployed for duty. Initially, the government may wish to take the lead by stationing armed police or soldiers, but eventually, the role of private security should be discussed and agreed-upon with the appropriate authorities.

    Image result for guards outside mosque

    A soldier stands guard at a Mosque in Indonesia.

  2. People’s Militia (if its in accordance with the law of the land / constitution).

    Armed with a shotgun, Krystal Muhammad stood guard with other members of the New Black Panther Party outside a mosque, South Dallas.

    April 2016: Krystal Muhammad stands guard at a Mosque in Dallas, Texas: “An anti-Muslim hate group that planned to hold an armed protest at a Mosque in South Dallas, Texas, was forced to retreat when they were unexpectedly confronted by armed Black self-defense groups and hundreds of local residents Saturday”.

  3. State-sanctioned, fully licensed guards (e.g. 6-8 volunteers) with standard issue bulletproof vests, basic tactical helmets, batons, handcuffs and riot shields.


  4. Civilian patrol (e.g. a rotating 8-12 person patrol on watch) will provide a limited measure of deterrence. Report anything suspicious, reserve the right to make a citizens arrest if its safe to do so.

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The basic idea is to ensure that you have a rotating platoon on watch at all times. Obviously the law of the land, size of the Mosque and territorial conditions are variables that will affect your security plan / determine the threat level. But as I said before, the basic idea is to keep your eyes and ears open: Both Brenton Tarrant and Alexandre Bissonnette (the only terrorist charged with the Quebec City Mosque attack,  January 29th 2017) are said to have been spotted acting suspiciously outside both locations at least 25-30 minutes before committing their crimes.

Perhaps one of the ways to actively discourage these people, is to ensure that they are robustly apprehended during their attacks–e.g. the fact that Brevik is living a life of luxury in a Norwegian prison-resort, could have been all the encouragement Tarrant needed to accept this murderous mission from the Mossad. Whereas the fact that Baruch Goldstein was beaten to death, may have been an outcome that discouraged other Jews from accepting similar terror-tasks; unless they had assurances that collaborators on the inside would rescue them from the crime scene.

We can replay potential scenarios over and over: But what if Brenton Tarrant and his accomplices had been rushed by everyone in the Mosque, and left the premises in ambulances rather than in cuffs? What if the next time, God forbid, an Israeli terrorist comes to our door with murder in mind, the only “hello brother” he gets, is a knockout punch to the jaw?

Self-preservation is an instinct. Self-defence is a choice.

Some would suggest that the overall aim here, is to make the consequences & repercussions of Israeli terrorism so horrific for the perpetrators; that we never get to the stage were counter-combat strategies are put into play.

So stay informed, know your enemy and don’t hesitate to report anything untoward happening anywhere near a place of worship, no matter how trivial it may seem at first.


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Israeli Ambassador to NZ, Itzhak Gerbeg (PERSON OF INTEREST).

Image result for Israeli Ambassador to Australia, Mark Sofer

Israeli Ambassador to Australia, Mark Sofer (SUSPECT).

Image result for Queensland Senator Fraser Anning

Queensland Senator, Fraser Anning (SUSPECT).

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Avi Yemeni (SUSPECT).

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Stuart Von Moger (PERSON OF INTEREST) with Lauren Southern.

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Daniel Jones, Avi Yemeni’s bodyguard (PERSON OF INTEREST).

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Blair Cottrell (SUSPECT).


Jewish extremism is an evil ideology with no place in the civilised world: These barbaric and gutless attacks are the clearest indication yet, that Zionism is on its last legs.

Israelis & their stooges are at war with us (i.e. all pro-Palestinian Muslims and Christians) and they will lose that war badly. Think about it: All those weapons, all that running around the world, all that Israeli-Mossad training, and all they could do with it was murder people at prayer.

The illegitimate state of Israel will be consigned to the crematorium of history.

But Christchurch will pick itself up, Muslims will continue to worship at the Mosque, opposition to Jewish extremism will intensify, the will to resist will increase, resolve will remain unchanged.