By Kashif Ahmed

Jewish extremism is the rotten root of the problem. It can’t be resolved at the UN or by protests.

Did the protests against Cast Lead (2008) and Pillar of Cloud (2012) work, or have Jewry’s crimes become progressively worse?

Palestine is under heavy bombardment by the IOF: Babies are being butchered in broad daylight by Herod’s Hebraic henchmen, journalists are openly targeted, families are kidnapped at gunpoint, homes are razed or occupied by Zionist squatters.

People ask me: Has the world gone mad?

I ask them: When do you last remember it being sane?

Believe it or not, but some hapless pro-Palestine activists are still worried about being accused of ‘antisemitism’. Even now they “…question with the wolf on why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb”. Don’t they know that “…you may as well do anything most hard, As seek to soften that–than which what’s harder?–His Jewish heart”.

Why do you think Jewish fanatics have been booted out of 109 countries so far? Why did a Muslim-Russian coalition wage a 900 year war of resistance to bury the Jewish Empire of Khazaria? Why did Imam Ali (RA) refer to his assassin as the “son of the Jewess”?

When Ripley agreed to return to LV-426, it wasn’t to study or bring back the Alien. When Muslims marched on the impregnable Jewish fort of Al-Qamus, Khaybar; it wasn’t with placards and tired old slogans, but with the Divinely-bestowed might of Ali (RA); The Lion of God didn’t knock on the fortress door, he ripped it off its hinges.

Jewish extremism is an ancient evil spawned in the bowels of Hell. Its humanity’s job to send it back there every 100 years or so. That’s it. Its not our responsibility to study the warped mindset of Yiddish inbreds, nor does it fall upon us to pretend that moderate & secular Jews are the majority (they aren’t).

Now that’s not to say we don’t have love for Esther Shifaz (martyr) or appreciate Jews like Stavit Sinai, Gilad Atzmon and a handful of others. Just that we know that pro-Palestinian Jews are 1) An embattled minority and 2) Better suited to effect change within their own community, rather than being burdened with leadership roles in the Palestinian resistance.

Political Judaism must be systematically dismantled in much the same way as Judeo-Communism was in the 1980s. And if PC Muslims, liberals or leftists are still in denial about this; then they belong in a Kibbutz kitchen wearing an apron that says ‘Kiss me, I’m a Shabbos Goy’. They belong on their hands & knees on a leash held by N.M. Rothschild, mumbling pathetic platitudes from behind the studded leather mask of self-censorship & hypocrisy. They belong with the LGBTQ brigade, with corrupt politicians, controlled-op shills and abortionists. They belong in…you get the idea.

Political Judaism is the Evil Dead.

We are Bruce Campbell.