Top 10 Stories of 2021: The Year in Review

By Kashif Ahmed

2021 will forever be remembered as the year the Jew.S.A lost the war in Afghanistan, pulled a pandemic to cover it up and attempted to impose a bit of medieval-totalitarianism on the gullible goyim.

That’s the story of the year, the story of the decade perhaps.

But before we begin, it’d be remiss of me not to pay tribute once more to the legend that is Daud Musa (David Musa Pidcock): A gallant hero of Islam who supported this humble blog from the beginning, always told the truth and feared no man. Salute.



Gen. Bipen Rawat once bragged that he’d “change the DNA of Kashmiris” (implying mass-rape and genocide). But when rescue teams sifted through the wreckage of the IAF helicopter, Bipen could only be identified by his DNA.



KHARTOUM, SUDAN. Pro-Israeli junta opens fire on demonstrators, 15 martyred: Sudanese people are trying to defend their country and prevent it from becoming a Zionist vassal state like South Sudan. As of December 30th, sporadic clashes between factions of the military and demonstrators continue in Khartoum & Omdurman. Elections are scheduled for July 2022.



KHALISTAN. Congratulations to the Khalistani Sikh community on this historic occasion. The referendum began on October 31st, marking 37 years to the day of the Sikh pogrom / genocide committed by Hindu extremists in India.


Turkey's MIT brings down 15-member Mossad spy network | Daily Sabah

15 Mossad agents captured by Turkish MIT. Biggest secret service operation since 2016, and arguably the most complex since security forces thwarted Operations Kafes and Sledgehammer in 2010-11. As with most countries, Turkey is heavily infiltrated by Zio-Jewish collaborators at all levels, some parts of the state are Shabbos Goys (e.g. facilitating the Israeli-Secret-Intelligence-Service in Syria, targeting journalists, sharing intel with the Mossad and so on). Whereas others are pro-Palestine, pro-Kashmir and seek to strengthen ties with regional allies (e.g. Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran). Turkey from 2016 onward is quite a different place to the how it was before. There are still probably more Zios than allies on the ground, but generally speaking, things appear to be moving in the right direction.


Blessed are those who hunger for justice. The hunger strike seems to have become the standard last-resort protest for Palestinian political-prisoners. And whilst we support every Palestinian hero against the Satanic ideology of Jewish extremism; we can’t become passive spectators in some theater-of-the-macabre, or give collaborator-regimes (e.g. UAE, Bahrain) a free pass to empower the occupation whilst twisting the knife in Palestine’s back. There must be a policy of Zero-tolerance for Shabbos Goy collaborators and, figuratively speaking, a scorched-Earth policy on Jewish supremacy; its adherents, enablers / stooges. These heroic hunger strikers are essentially holding a mirror up to humanity: Showing us who stands with the Palestinian cause, and who betrayed the resistance at this crucial stage of the struggle. Generations will salute the Palestinians long after Jewish extremism vanishes into the sinkhole of history. But no one will never forgive those traitors who collaborated with the illegitimate state of Israel.


ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN. Important OIC (Organization for Islamic Cooperation) meeting: Good progress made on helping Afghanistan. Heroic attempt by PM Imran Khan to persuade fellow Muslims to rejoin the right side on Palestine and Kashmir.


Russia rightly stresses the need for a sovereign internet as new Cold War escalates to advanced / hybridized cyber warfare, in line with the weaponization of space.

Cyber Cold War? The US and Russia talk tough, but only diplomacy will ease  the threat - GCN

But even if you’ve got the upper hand in 6th generation warfare (which no one does yet); there still isn’t a force-multiplier in the world that beats a determined, grass-roots armed-resistance force who are fighting for their freedom against a foreign invader: The threat of nuclear annihilation couldn’t deter the VC, the Jew.S.A and every army in Western Europe lost to the Afghan Taliban, Indian occupiers are on the backfoot in IOK, Naxal land, Asom, Manipur and Nagaland whilst Uncle Sam couldn’t even pull off simple coups in Bolivia or Venezuela.

And that was 2021, friends. May the year ahead bring victory & honour to the righteous. May it bring defeat & disgrace to the illegitimate state of Israel, and its supporters. Amen.

Taliban Wins War: Indian-Occupied Kashmir, Delhi and Jerusalem Next?

What's Happening in Afghanistan? U.S. Forces Complete Withdrawal - WSJ

By Kashif Ahmed

OK, ladies and gentlemen, we all know what happened by now; so I’m not going to bore you with some convoluted article about this, that and the other thing.

Because it is what it is, it was what’s it’s been and it will be what’s it’s always going to be: Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires, and she just buried the Jew.S.A.

Afghanistan was a miracle. One of the most amazing historical events of all time: Bigger than the defeat of the Rothschild-controlled British Empire at New Orleans, on a par with the fall of Jewish Khazaria, comparable to Vietnam but in many ways more important than all three.

For never has such a war been waged: The Jew.S.A (the most militarily-advanced nation on the planet) and almost every army in the Western world; ganged up on the Afghan Taliban (the least militarily-equipped government on the planet). And the Taliban won.

For 20 long years; the invaders threw everything including the kitchen sink at the resistance: They committed cowardly drone attacks on Afghan schools, hospitals and kindergartens. They went door-to-door at night kidnapping random Afghans and terrorizing their families at gunpoint. They tortured captives to death in Bagram, re-started the Heroin business and murdered unarmed people for sport; U.S.-NATO occupiers broke every rule of engagement and behaved in the most depraved / dishonorable manner imaginable; and they still lost to, if you’ll excuse the cliches; a ‘rag-tag’ band of ‘stone-age’ guerrillas.

How We Got Here:

  1. Israel did 9/11 to start the fraudulent war on terror.
  2. U.S. and 42 NATO armies invade Afghanistan to re-start heroin production (which had fallen to its lowest recorded levels in history in 2000) whilst destabilizing China and Pakistan.
  3. India-Israel join the U.S-NATO in a behind-the-scenes role, sponsoring terrorism inside Afghanistan and against neighboring Pakistan.
  4. Afghanistan and Pakistan thwart the U.S.-Israeli-Indian-EU agenda.
  5. U.S. withdraws, first phase of the regional war comes to an end.

20 Years on the front

How newspaper front pages covered the fall of Afghanistan to Taliban forces  - CNN

People say that the U.S.-Israel-EU-India knew they’d lost the war, the day China and Russia got on the same page about the future of the region (i.e BRI and other issues). Maybe it seems surreal because we’re witnessing the end of Zio-U.S. hegemony, just like we saw the end of the Soviet Union; like a melting ice glacier that drips and drips over time (which no one really notices) and then suddenly breaks off.

2001-05 U.S.-NATO definitely had the upper hand, but were instantly unpopular due to their crimes against civilians, reviving gangs & narco-terrorists who’d been defeated by the Taliban. China isn’t a major power yet, Russia still on the ropes, Pakistan facing multiple U.S.-Israeli-Indian proxy terror groups, and Indian occupation forces on the LOC, Iran a bit lethargic under Khatami and opposed to the Taliban government for a variety of reasons.

How the US military's opium war in Afghanistan was lost - BBC News

The War in Afghanistan, by Max Parry - The Unz Review
U.S. Troops Patrol Poppy Fields

2005-11: Afghan Taliban comeback of sorts, invaders losing the initiative, China becoming more powerful, Russia becoming stronger, Pakistan making some headway against terror, Iran very much back on the scene with Ahmadinejad.

2010-16: Afghan Taliban become giant killers in that they made the ground beneath the invader’s feet so unstable; that the U.S. couldn’t take a step forwards, backwards, or even a sidestep. Unbeatable guerrilla warfare by the Afghan Taliban on home territory–e.g. the CIA had all the best surveillance equipment, but some Afghan fighters were apparently communicating via locals in dialects no one knew, or using words that made no sense to the invader; Some U.S. hired Afghan interpreters were also allegedly covert resistance operatives; deliberately mistranslating things, insider-attacks increased and so on. China now a world power, Russia also a major power again, Pakistan beating proxy-terror groups, NATO armies begin dropping out.

‘Afghan national Army’ and NDS widely regarded as a comedy force of mercenaries; very well funded, but very badly trained by the Americans and Indians. It’s like putting an expensive saddle on a Mule, and ordering it to race a Markhor up a mountain. All U.S. puppets (government, military etc) were mercenaries / corrupt politicians; and without the puppet-master pulling their strings; they collapsed in a heap: When the Ashraf Ghani government stopped paying their troops around April-May 2021; some of the better soldiers defected to the Taliban or just handed in their weapons to the Taliban without fighting (which is why so many districts were captured without a single shot being fired).

2016-2019: Massive push by the U.S.-Israel-India to bring the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) into the Af-Pak borderlands. Had the U.S. been able to do this, it may have tilted the war against the Taliban. The Afghan Taliban’s Red Unit (special ops guerrilla force) destroyed ISIS in the battle of Darzab–which when they write the history of this Afghan war; will be regarded as a major turning point in the conflict.

Biden's blunder in Afghanistan - The Boston Globe
Taliban Red Unit Guerrillas Protect Darzab

2019-21: China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran on the same page; Rare Earth profits coming in, some Afghan Taliban allegedly overpower the CIA drug cartel and begin to receive protection money from the invaders not to attack them. Staggered U.S. retreat begins.

Helmand province (a notorious gold and mineral rich area where U.S. and British occupation forces had conducted numerous operations) is decisively reconquered & secured by the Taliban; Baghlan and Borka districts provide the resistance with a clear road to Kabul.

Afghanistan-Taliban Crisis LIVE Updates: Taliban Celebrate Victory As Last  US Troops Leave Afghanistan
Taliban Spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, Addresses Troops in Kabul

2021: U.S.-Indian trained ‘Afghan’ forces crumble in days, U.S. imposed government folds, U.S. withdraws, Afghan Taliban take the capital and declare victory.

Video appears to show Taliban inside presidential palace in Kabul - CNN  Video

U.S., France, India and others retreat en-masse, abandoning their embassies. China, Pakistan, Russia, Iran and Turkey continue as normal.

Proxy Wars, False Flags and the Liberation of Indian-Occupied Kashmir (IOK)

So we’re into the proxy war stage now; where the defeated party will attempt to deploy their terrorist assets (e.g. Blackwater-ISIS-TTP-BLA et al) and bribe potential agents to run sabotage-terror attacks. Not to challenge the Taliban’s power or impose some Rojava-esque Templar state. But primarily to delay Chinese investments, and give the impression that the U.S.-Israel-EU-India still has some clout.

But we all know that post-war proxy-ops are slapdash, shambolic affairs; which are more about nursing an invader’s injured pride, than actually making any gains on the ground. Because even the U.S-Israel-EU-India aren’t deluded enough to think they can achieve the sort of results from afar with mercenaries, that they couldn’t achieve when they were actually in country as an occupation force.

And so this phase will likely resemble what the CIA did with failed Tibetan terror group the Mustangs in China after Operations Circus, Barnum and Bailey, or with the remnants of the anti-Castro 2506 after Playa Giron.

But its a very different world now, so School of the Americas style shenanigans aren’t really going to work in a region that’s soundly seen off Uncle Sam at the height of his power, and is blossoming towards a new and prosperous era.

That said, given the nature of what the resistance discovered in the Indian consulate, and the official debut of the Taliban’s 313 Badri Brigade commando units: The outlook for the next 12-18 months will likely see the Indians ordered by the U.S.-Israel-EU to begin hostilities (via a false flag in IOK) against Pakistan and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. This could force the allies into a serendipitous scenario which will

1) Accelerate ongoing freedom struggles within the Indian federation (e.g. Khalistan, Nagaland, Farmer’s Protests, Naxal Land and others).

2) Instigate the internal collapse of the Indian military / Mossad-RAW-RSS terror nexus.

3) Lead to the complete & unconditional liberation of IOK.

“As Muslims, we have the right to raise our voice for Muslims in Indian-occupied Kashmir, or in any other country. We will raise our voice and say that Muslims here are with you”.

Transcript: NPR's Full Interview With Taliban Spokesman Suhail Shaheen |  New England Public Media

Suhail Shaheen, Taliban spokesman, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Now India is the new Iraq, circa 1979. And Zionists are prepared to use their Hindutva sidekicks as expendable whack-a-moles against China, Pakistan, Afghanistan…and Russia, and Iran and anyone else they’re against that week. India will be ‘ushered’ into the fray as the U.S.-Israel’s most dependable asset in the region. So when Pakistani Defense Analyst, Zaid Hamid, states that Indians fear the 313 Badri Brigade coming to IOK, he’s probably right. Since we appear to be moving towards the liberation of Kashmir / Ghazwa-e-Hind (i.e. the war to end Hindu extremism in the Indian subcontinent) which, as eschatology fans and keen readers of Hadith will know; leads to the epic battle to free Al-Quds Jerusalem from Jewish rule.

But lets not get ahead of ourselves and keep things focused on Afghanistan for the moment. Bottom line: The U.S.-Israel-EU-India lost a major strategic front over there, and the advantage goes to China-Pakistan-Russia-Iran.

The Jew.S.A: Good at starting wars based on lies, not so good at lying about why they lose those wars.

Henry Ford once said: “Corral the 50 wealthiest Jews and there would be no war”. We’ll we’ve had a lot of wars since then, so perhaps its time for Americans to jail the Jewish extremists, and see if that helps.

22/7 Utøya Island Massacre: The Israeli–English Defence League Connection

By Kashif Ahmed

Article first published in 2013 on

Norway, July 22nd, 2011: Israeli backed terrorist Anders Behring Brevik, disguised as a police officer, opened fire on Palestinian solidarity activists at Utoya island. Brevik and his accomplices murdered 69 people and wounded 110, the majority of whom were teenagers and youths in their early twenties. Miles away in Oslo, a car bomb ripped through a crowded high street near the offices of Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, leaving 8 people dead and injuring over 200.

The massacre was widely celebrated by Zionist Jews, since the victims were pro-Palestinian and supported a boycott of the illegitimate state of Israel.

In 2006, war crimes suspect / U.S. secretary of state Codelezza Rice, threatened Norway with “serious consequences” if her citizens boycotted Israel. Refusing to bow to U.S.-Israeli intimidation, the Norwegians divested from Israeli construction companies ‘Africa-Israel Investments’ and ‘Danya Cebus Ltd’ (both run by ‘Blood Diamond’ trader Lev Leviev and involved in building Jewish squatter-settlements across occupied Palestine).

Stoltenberg also withdrew support for the Israeli approved Anglo-American-NATO invasion of Libya in May 2011; two months later, Norway’s streets and shores were awash with innocent blood.

Brevik was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. But that’s not the end of it, and anyone who still believes the tabloid spiel that he acted alone, should re-evaluate eyewitness reports from the scene of the crime.

Anders Brevik is like a damp brick, kick him over and you’ll see the pestilence scurrying underneath, for Brevik has intimate links with Jewish fanatics like Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Isak Nygren, Daniel Pipes and David Horrowitz among others.

“So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists and multiculturalists”.

Anders Breivik

Spencer was Brevik’s spiritual mentor with Geller acting more as a Mira Hindley-esque conduit who nurtured his evil fantasies. The pair are said to have exchanged e-mails and Geller even posted one of his screeds on her anti-Muslim website ‘Atlas Shrugged’. Brevik was also a practicing Freemason / Kabbalist, initiated into the Saint Johannes Lodge, an avid supporter of JDL backed shill Geert Wilders and Avigdor Liberman’s Yisrael Beitenu party.

Israeli propagandist Pamela Geller was in contact with Anders Brevik before the attacks.

Brevik claimed that other pro-Israeli sleeper cells are primed to commit similar attacks in the near future. But despite his confession and obvious links with organized Jewry, very few people have followed up these leads. And as EDL / Zionist violence infects the body politic in Western Europe; it may only be a matter of time before Israel leads another Brevik-esque zombie by the nose and throws him our way.

Some of Anders Brevik’s known accomplices and associates include…

  1. Mr and Mrs Aubrey and Joyce Chernick, U.S. based couple with financial ties to the ADL and the Zionist Organization of America. They currently fund anti-Islamic propagandists Pamela Geller (‘Atlas Shrugged’) and Robert Spencer (‘Jihad Watch’).
  2. ‘English Defence League’ financer Alan Ayling a.k.a. Alan Lake: Brevik had met with EDL thugs and was planning to open a Norwegian wing of the group. Three months before the attack, Norway’s TV 2 ‘Nyhetene’ ran an exposé on Alan Lake. Mr. Lake, a banker and property tycoon, was said to have been in contact with suspected Israeli sayan / Swedish Jew Kent Ekeroth about funding an EDL style terror cell in Oslo.

During his trial, Brevik admitted that he had an “English mentor” i.e. Alan Lake.

“…I have spoken with tens of EDL members and leaders: I supplied them with ideological material in the very beginning”.

Anders Brevik

Other EDL-Brevik linked suspects include Paul Weston, Chris Knowles, Darryl Hobson, Paul Ray a.k.a. Paul Cinato and EDL ringleader Stephen Yaxley Lennon a.k.a. Andrew McMaster a.k.a. Paul Harris a.k.a.Tommy Robinson.

The Israeli controlled EDL almost got a foothold in Norway via Brevik.

Tommy Robinson maintains ties with JDL-JTF-JEDL stooge Roberta Moore, Talmudist Rabbi Nachum Shifren and most of the Zionist groups who supported Anders Brevik.

EDL financier Alan Lake with JEDL-JTF-JDL stooge Roberta Moore.

Robinson’s relationship with Pamela Geller mirrors that shared by Brevik: Geller calls Robinson her ‘colleague’ at the Zionist funded ‘Stop Islamization of Nations’ (SION) cult and laments the fact that he’s been “rotting in prison” after trying to enter the U.S. using a stolen passport. Is Robinson Geller’s new Brevik? Perhaps.

Anders Brevik’s idol and Israeli propagandist Robert Spencer.

3. Israeli Mossad controlled militia ‘The Vikings’: an ‘Integrated Battle Group’ operating in rural Norway pretending to be neo-Nazis. Zionist Jews are running an international network of terror-training as part of their Kibbush (Jewish Holy War) e.g. IDF reservist Yonatan Stern’s Jews-only terror training camp: ‘Kitat Konenut’, is based in NYC, Normon Solomon’s ‘Calibre 3’ in the West Bank offers terror training to Jews from around the world.

Approximately 90 minutes before the attacks, Anders Brevik contacted Zionist Swede politician Isak Nygren, who was staying in a Kibbutz at an undisclosed location in the illegitimate state of Israel. Nygren has met with EDL members (confirmed sightings with Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll) and spouts the kind of extremist Jew rhetoric that would endear him to someone like Brevik.

Nygren, like most of Brevik’s Zionist allies, has attempted to play down his relationship with the Israeli backed mass murderer and has, so far, managed to avoid being brought in for questioning as a possible accomplice to murder or accessory before the fact.

Thus the Israeli terror network linked to the Norway attacks so far is: Brevik-Geller-Spencer-Lake-EDL-JDL-JTF-JEDL-Ekeroth-Nygren and the Mossad.

Anders Brevik now languishes in some prison in Oslo and insists the ‘authorities’ (i.e. Brevik’s Zionist friends in power) are tying to force him to commit suicide. I’m inclined to believe that, after all, he’s more of a liability than an asset for Israel now, and that’s how they tend to treat their henchmen.

22/7 was an act of war by pro-Israel Jewry, and to call it an isolated incident would be a mistake. Now I know that many Jews are decent, law abiding citizens with no links to Israeli terror. But I also know that Jewish extremism is a cancer in the bloodstream of the civilized world. That its international criminal network must be summarily deactivated in accordance with the rule of law with prominent Zionists put on trial at a new Nuremberg.

Norwegian-Palestinian solidarity and the ongoing fight for justice.

Its not anti-Semitic to demand justice, its not anti-Semitism to call a spade a spade and draw a line in the sand against Israeli parasitism, because it’s your life on the line. Would you rather be an ‘anti-Semite’ who has stopped an Israeli terrorist attack or one of the many martyred, Politically Correct liberals who found themselves on the wrong end of an assault rifle on 22/7? The choice is yours, and that’s more of a choice than those poor peaceniks at Utoya ever got.


By Kashif Ahmed

Jewish extremism is the rotten root of the problem. It can’t be resolved at the UN or by protests.

Did the protests against Cast Lead (2008) and Pillar of Cloud (2012) work, or have Jewry’s crimes become progressively worse?

Palestine is under heavy bombardment by the IOF: Babies are being butchered in broad daylight by Herod’s Hebraic henchmen, journalists are openly targeted, families are kidnapped at gunpoint, homes are razed or occupied by Zionist squatters.

People ask me: Has the world gone mad?

I ask them: When do you last remember it being sane?

Believe it or not, but some hapless pro-Palestine activists are still worried about being accused of ‘antisemitism’. Even now they “…question with the wolf on why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb”. Don’t they know that “…you may as well do anything most hard, As seek to soften that–than which what’s harder?–His Jewish heart”.

Why do you think Jewish fanatics have been booted out of 109 countries so far? Why did a Muslim-Russian coalition wage a 900 year war of resistance to bury the Jewish Empire of Khazaria? Why did Imam Ali (RA) refer to his assassin as the “son of the Jewess”?

When Ripley agreed to return to LV-426, it wasn’t to study or bring back the Alien. When Muslims marched on the impregnable Jewish fort of Al-Qamus, Khaybar; it wasn’t with placards and tired old slogans, but with the Divinely-bestowed might of Ali (RA); The Lion of God didn’t knock on the fortress door, he ripped it off its hinges.

Jewish extremism is an ancient evil spawned in the bowels of Hell. Its humanity’s job to send it back there every 100 years or so. That’s it. Its not our responsibility to study the warped mindset of Yiddish inbreds, nor does it fall upon us to pretend that moderate & secular Jews are the majority (they aren’t).

Now that’s not to say we don’t have love for Esther Shifaz (martyr) or appreciate Jews like Stavit Sinai, Gilad Atzmon and a handful of others. Just that we know that pro-Palestinian Jews are 1) An embattled minority and 2) Better suited to effect change within their own community, rather than being burdened with leadership roles in the Palestinian resistance.

Political Judaism must be systematically dismantled in much the same way as Judeo-Communism was in the 1980s. And if PC Muslims, liberals or leftists are still in denial about this; then they belong in a Kibbutz kitchen wearing an apron that says ‘Kiss me, I’m a Shabbos Goy’. They belong on their hands & knees on a leash held by N.M. Rothschild, mumbling pathetic platitudes from behind the studded leather mask of self-censorship & hypocrisy. They belong with the LGBTQ brigade, with corrupt politicians, controlled-op shills and abortionists. They belong in…you get the idea.

Political Judaism is the Evil Dead.

We are Bruce Campbell.

Ally or Vassal? Notes on Syrian-Russian relations today

By Kashif Ahmed

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I understand Fares Shehabi’s point to some extent, however, I think he may have been expecting too much from Russia.

Now there are those who might argue that Mr. Shehabi, an independent MP who lost his seat in the 2020 elections, is just jostling for attention. And maybe he is. But we mustn’t let that overshadow some of the more troubling observations he’s made regarding an increase in Israeli terrorism & what he perceives as Russia’s indifference to it.


The U.S.-Israel-EU-India wants Russia to make the same mistakes in Syria that the Soviets made in Afghanistan. But this isn’t the old Cold War, its the new Cold War: The U.S. didn’t come into this off a plethora of ‘wins’ (e.g. Operation Condor, Urgent Fury etc), they instigated the Syrian conflict during one of their biggest defeats (i.e. Afghanistan). New Russia isn’t the USSR, the FSA aren’t the Mujaheddin, and Bashar Al-Assad definitely isn’t Gen. Najibullah: The Soviets were wrong in Afghanistan, because they were there to annex the country & prop up a Judeo-Communist cabal that was in league with the Israelis & the Indians (via the KGB-Mossad-RAW-KHAD axis). The Russians are right in Syria, because they halted a major U.S.-EU-Israeli regime-change operation, which would have allowed Jewry to implement the ‘Eretz Israel’ (‘Greater Israel’) land-grab (i.e. Yinon Plan).

Russia sees itself as a man-for-all-seasons: A friend of the East but the BMOC of the West: The Kremlin is eager to work with China-Pakistan-Iran-Turkey-Iraq and others in the blossoming East. But also has to maintain its sphere of influence / dominance over a historically hostile, Rothschild-controlled US.-EU whilst simultaneously attempting to accelerate America’s irrelevance in the ME (ensuring that the U.S. and its proxies leave the 35-40% of Syrian territory they still occupy). Syria is one part (an important part, but one part nonetheless) of Russia’s global strategy in the new Cold War and vice versa for Syria.


After Libya 2011, Russia had to show the world they could support their allies militarily–Putin proved that in Syria and Crimea. Now Moscow wants to portray Syria as being independent enough from both Iran and Russia, to encourage investments from Europe and the GCC. Iran doesn’t have as much influence abroad to attract the sort of capital required to rebuild Syria. Russia, on the other hand, does; but only if it positions itself as a sort of guarantor for potential investors– e.g. Putin can say to everyone: “Gentlemen, you’re not doing business with Bashar Al-Assad, you’re doing business with us; the people that bought you (Arabs) S-400, that raised the alarm for you (Turks) about the CIA-Gulen coup and kept your (Europeans) homes warm in Winter: Syria isn’t being rebuilt because Tehran says so, its being rebuilt because its in all our best interests for this to happen”.

Needless to say, the smooth repatriation of Syrian refugees is key to the plan, and the entire process has to be managed in such a way that Syria isn’t asked to compromise on the very policies (i.e. being a staunch ally of Palestine, Iran and Lebanon) that allowed Damascus to beat the U.S.-Israeli conspiracy in the first place.

Ultimately; Syria, Russia, Iran and Turkey will also have to make a decision about what to do with the U.S. backed SDF and other Kosher-Kurdish terror outfits (e.g. PKK, YPG) in the area: ‘Rojava’ will, at some point; have to be pacified in order to liberate the Northeastern oil fields and give Syria’s economy a much needed boost.

Obviously Russia is looking to secure a wide-range of strategic / economic interests in the region (interests that are, for the most part, acceptable to Syria and her allies) but also wants to highlight its prowess as a stabilizer: Vladimir Putin wants to achieve in Syria what he managed to achieve in the Caucus; Moscow wants to show us that they took a failing-state and made it better than, or as good as, it was before U.S.-EU-Israeli-Indian interference: The basic idea is to neutralize U.S. sanctions / Caesar Act, whilst respecting Syria’s regional objectives vis-a-vis Palestine-Lebanon and improve Bashar Al-Assad’s standing with fellow Muslims.

We (and I’m sure Fares Shehabi would concur with me on this) want Syria to become a front-line state against Jewish extremism (which it already is to some extent). Whereas Russia wants Syria to first become economically stable enough to stand on its own, and get in with China’s New Silk Road ASAP. We want that too, but I think both options will have to be synchronized in order to reap the maximum benefit: Syria must become economically stable, but not at the cost of appeasing Zionism in any way, shape or form.


I think Russia’s relationship with the illegitimate state of Israel is similar to the U.S.-Israel’s ties with the apartheid regime in South Africa in the 1970s-80s: Most Western governments had links with the Boers all the way to the end (the CIA and Mossad were actively supporting them in Angola, Namibia and Mozambique). But knew deep-down that apartheid was on its way out, and no one was prepared to risk themselves beyond a certain point to prevent its downfall.

So whilst Russia is highly unlikely to ever overtly engage the Zionists in combat (and will continue to turn a blind eye to the Jewish terror state’s targeting of resistance groups on the ‘border’) it has no vested interest in preventing Israel’s demise either. Just like Russia had no interest in saving Indian occupiers from being driven out of Ladakh by China, bailing out the Indians after Pakistan’s Operation Swift Retort, or intervening on Armenia’s behalf in Azerbaijan.

That said, its up to Damascus to maintain a firm stance by upholding its resistance credentials: Whether that’s putting a ‘Made in Syria’ sticker on all allied groups in the country, or creating a framework that shows the world that any retaliation against the IOF from Syria, comes from Syria and no one else. But retaliate Syria must, for as I pointed out in Al-Assad Mauls The Mossad: How Syria Survived U.S.-Israeli Conspiracy Syria will have to take many confirmed-kills against the enemy, to persuade Tel Aviv to re-evaluate its bite & bail strategy.

Now maybe I just haven’t heard it, but I don’t hear Bashar Al-Assad talking that much about ‘Israel’ being the epicenter of evil, or of being the main culprit behind the destabilization of his country: He must mention this, and mention it all the time: Let Syria’s allies and enemy’s know where we stand. Respect Russia’s right to hold their view but make your own views & objectives clear as well.


Lets be honest, we all know what some people are like; politicians, businessmen, feudals; we have more corrupt characters in our midst (whether that’s in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan or elsewhere) than we sometimes care to admit. China and Russia has these types as well, but both countries tend to take a more… robust approach in dealing with them. The U.S. EU are brimming with these crooks too (but most of them tend to commit crimes for their country rather than against it).

Now Russia can’t personally take up a grievance with some corrupt Baathist official because, 1) Its none of their business and 2) It just wouldn’t look right. All they can do is subtly suggest that so-and-so maybe needs to be investigated, or perhaps quietly point out this-or-that guy is ripping off the state or running a scam. And then its up to President Al-Assad to see what needs to be done about it.

Syria is a heroic country for standing up to U.S.-Israeli terrorism and we should salute the SAA for their efforts, but victory came at a price and that price is taking its toll:

“Syria has sustained the biggest losses of all the conflicts in the Middle East. From 2011 through 2018, GDP fell by almost two thirds from $55 billion to $22 billion a year. This means that recovery costs (that amount to at least $250 billion) are equal to 12 times the current GDP. According to the World Bank, about 45% of housing has been destroyed, including a quarter of it that was razed to the ground.

Over half of health facilities and about 40% of schools and universities are out of operation: Since the war, the living standards of 80% of the Syrians have dropped below the poverty line, and their life span has decreased by 20 years. Syria is short of doctors and nurses, teachers, technicians and qualified government officials.

The economic challenges now faced by Syria are even more serious than during the active phase of hostilities. It is in the economy that a web of old and new problems has emerged, and this is not just due to the catastrophic destruction during the war or US and European sanctions, although the humanitarian consequences are very sensitive, especially for the majority of the population.

In the course of military de-escalation, Syria is reluctant or unable to develop a system of government that can mitigate corruption and crime and go from a military economy to normal trade and economic relations.

Local ‘law’ continues to prevail even in the government-controlled areas, including kickbacks in trade, transit, transport shipments and humanitarian convoys in favor of a chain consisting of privileged army units, security services, commercial mediators and related loyal big-time entrepreneurs, both those that are traditionally close to the president’s family and those that have become rich during the war.

The war produced centers of influence and shadow organizations that are not interested in a transition to peaceful development although Syrian society, including business people and some government officials, have developed requirements for political reform.

The situation in Syria, which is being aggravated by non-military, albeit no less dangerous, challenges, is compelling the Syrian government to properly assess the current risks and draft a long-term strategy with consideration for the fact that the main components of a conflict settlement are closely linked.

A new military reality cannot be sustainable without economic reconstruction and the development of a political system that will rest on a truly inclusive approach and international consent. This is particularly important because the next presidential election in 2021 is not far off”.

Aleksandr Aksenenok, Former Russian Ambassador to Syria, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation, Managing Director of Vnesheconombank and a member of the Expert Council of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs.

Syria is by no means a Russian vassal state, and is slowly but surely coming back onto the scene as a powerful nation unto itself: There is, however, a need to slightly adjust the old Cold War mentality / pseudo-Communistic / plutocratic mindset of some people, and reassess the state of play as it exists today: Syria won the war to secure her survival, now everybody has to survive the war to ensure her stability.

Top 10 Stories of 2020

By Kashif Ahmed

OK, ladies and gentlemen, you know the drill by now: 2020 is over, a few things happened, these are some of those things…

1. COVID Black Swan

COVID-19 vaccines: McGill researchers track the global race - McGill  Reporter

Corona Conspiracy Goes Viral: Ex-UN Ambassador, Investigative Journalist and Veteran Doctor Tell-All


2. Azerbaijan-Armenia war (Nagorno-Karabakh war)


27th September 2020 – 10th November: Azerbaijan reclaims land after 22 years.

September 30th, 2020, Forward March update:





3. Liberation of Ladakh: PLA Pummels Indian Occupation in Kashmir


Ladakh, Indian Occupied Kashmir, Altitude: 12,000 ft, 5th May: Chinese troops decimate Indian occupiers in Ladakh after India attacks PLA tent. Conflict paused as of November 2020. Seems Indian troops are only trained to commit gang-rapes or blind unarmed civilians with pellet guns. Put them in an actual conflict; and these pathetic, Israeli-controlled cowards crumble on sight.

March 31st, Forward March Update: 

Ip Man Lives. Salute to the PLA

Reports are now coming in about exactly what transpired when China pushed Indian occupation forces out of Ladakh last week: One incident saw a gang of Indian troops ambush & beat up a rookie PLA soldier in his jeep. About an hour later, PLA deployed reinforcements and this was the result: Eyewitnesses claim that a mass-brawl took place, and martial arts were involved! Needless to say, the Indians got their asses kicked all over Pangong Tso. Of course this is only the beginning of the regional fightback against the Indian occupation of Kashmir, Nepal and elsewhere, but its a good start. Well done PLA.

June 10th, Forward March update:


“Furious hand-to-hand fighting raged across the Galwan river valley for over eight hours on Monday night, as People’s Liberation Army assault teams armed with iron rods as well as batons wrapped in barbed wire attacked troops of the 16 Bihar Regiment, a senior government official familiar with the debriefing of survivors at hospitals in Leh told News18. The savage combat, with few parallels in the history of modern armies, claimed the lives of 20 Indian soldiers, including 16 Bihar’s commanding officer, Colonel Santosh Babu, many because of protracted exposure to sub-zero temperatures, the Indian Army said late on Tuesday”.

Praveen Swami, News 18 India, June 23rd 2020

Where’s The Josh? ‘Brave’ Indian Army Begs Chinese Soldiers To ‘Please Go Back’


4. Indian Terror & Fake News Network Exposed: Judeo-Hindutva Plan in Peril as CPEC Advances Continue reading →

The French Dis-Connection

By David Musa Pidcock

President Macron says Islam ‘in crisis’, prompting backlash from Muslims

Islam is a religion that is in crisis all over the world today’, says Macron, as he unveils plan to defend secularism.

French President Emmanuel Macron delivers a speech to present his strategy to fight ‘radicalisation’ on October 2, 2020 in Les Mureaux outside Paris [Ludovic Marin/AFP] 2 Oct 2020

French President Emmanuel Macron delivers a speech to present his strategy to fight ‘radicalisation’ on October 2, 2020 in Les Mureaux outside Paris [Ludovic Marin/AFP]

2 Oct 2020

President Emmanuel (GOD BE WITH US?) Macron has unveiled a plan to defend France’s secular values against what he termed as “Islamist radicalism”, saying the religion was “in crisis” all over the world, prompting a backlash from Muslim activists”.

Placing him in direct opposition to the views of Napoleon Bonaparte, who, according to official French and Arab documents first published in 1914 by Christian Cherfils, in his book Bonaparte Et L’Islam, plus independent testimony from the likes of Goethe and Auguste Comte who’s reply to Macron back then would still remain: “even from an intellectual aspect, atheism only constitutes a very inadequate emancipation, since it tends to prolong indefinitely the metaphysical state in ceaselessly pursuing new solutions to theological problems instead of discarding as essentially vain all the researches pursuing the same inaccessible questions.”

The Gazzette National ou Le Moniteur Universel which announced Napoleon’s conversion to Islam on the 6th of the 12th 1798, and his adoption of the name Ali Boneaparte. Brings us to a significant bone of contention regarding the contents of this book. It is clear, from reading the original Preface by Sherif Abd el-Hakim, that he must have been commenting on selected extracts unaware of the entire contents of the book for he speaks uncritically of Napoleon’s “love” for Islam and his “blissful sojourn” amongst the Muslims.

On the other hand we have the attitude of, allegedly, ‘well informed Muslims’ who have tried to dismiss, out of hand, his conversion as a purely cosmetic exercise: “The pragmatic gamble of an astute, cynical operator who, when it suited him, professed whatever creed was necessary to achieve his political objectives.

Speaking from personal experience, as a politically active European convert, the publication of this fact could not have helped him politically as it galvanised the disparate forces of Polytheism and high finance into an effective, zealous alliance, with unlimited financial resources at their disposal to mobilise sufficient men, materials and black propaganda to frustrate his reforms. Being notorious for often throwing out their babies with the bath water, one of the main stumbling blocks for Muslims in studying this book, and turning it into a useful weapon, stems from a injudicious declaration by Napoleon which stated that he believed that he was destined to achieve greater military victories than the Prophet Muhammad, a man he greatly admired: (See Document xxxviii).

Furthermore, or so it would appear, he believed that he (like the Mahdi AS), was destined to play a major, preordained role, in the revival of Islam. This is not unusual for zealous converts or converts wishing to appear zealous. His Russian campaign, according to McNair Wilson, was not a misjudged, reckless affair, but a situation forced upon him through a treacherous betrayal, by amongst others Talleyrand.

Muslims would do well to recall that the Sudanese Mahdi – who attracted a huge following – but could not have been the one ordained to revive Islam, because he did not fulfil the criteria set down in all the authentic hadith literature. It was not uncommon, even amongst divinely inspired prophets, peace be upon them all, for them to introduce some personal elements of desire into the messages they were entrusted to convey, a point clearly made in verse 52 of Surah 22 the Hajj or the Pilgrimage in the Qur’an: “Never did we send an apostle or a prophet before you (Muhammad), but when he framed a desire, Satan through some vanity into his desire: but Allah will cancel anything vain that Satan throws in…” Napoleon, after all, was only human.

Having said that – The Memorial of Napoleon by William Hazlitt, the British essayist and critic (1778-1830), is a fitting tribute to Bonaparte, who, whatever the case may be, must be regarded as an enlightened individual, certainly when compared with the likes of Nelson, Wellington and their paymasters at N.M.Rothschild: “He put his foot on the neck of Kings, who would have put their yokes upon the necks of the People: he scattered before him with fiery execution, millions of hired slaves, who came at the bidding of their Masters to deny the rights of others to be free.

The monument of greatness and of Glory he erected, was raised on ground forfeited again and again to humanity – it reared its majestic front on the ruins of the shattered hopes and broken faith of the common enemies of mankind. If he could not secure the freedom, peace, and happiness of his country, he made her a terror to those who by sowing civil dissension, and exciting foreign wars, would not let her enjoy those blessings.

They who had trampled upon Liberty could not at least triumph in her shame and her despair, but themselves became objects of pity and derision. Their determination to persist in extremity of wrong, only brought on them repeated defeat, disaster, and dismay: the accumulated aggressions their infuriated pride and disappointed malice meditated against others, returned in just and aggravated punishment upon themselves: they heaped the coals of fire upon their own heads: they drank deep and long, in gall and bitterness, of the poisoned chalice they had prepared for others: the destruction with which they threatened a people daring to call itself free, hung suspended over their heads, like a precipice, ready to fall upon and crush them.

‘A while they stood abashed,’ abstracted from their evil purposes, and felt how awful Freedom is, its power  how dreadful. Shrunk from the boasted pomp of royal state into their littleness as men, defeated of their revenge, baulked of their prey, their schemes stripped of their bloated pride, and with nothing left but the deformity of their malice, not daring to utter a syllable or move a finger, the lords of the earth, who had looked upon men as of an inferior species, born for their use, and devoted to be their slaves, turned an imploring eye to the People, and with coward hearts and hollow tongues invoked the Name of Liberty, thus to get the people once more within their unhallowed grip, and to stifle the name of Liberty for ever.”

“If he was ambitious, his greatness was not founded on the unconditional, avowed surrender of the rights of human nature. But, with him, the state of Man rose exalted too. If he was arbitrary and a tyrant, first, France as a country was in a state of military blockade, on garrison duty, and not to be defended by mere paper bullets of the brain; secondly, but chief, he was not nor could he become, a tyrant by ‘right divine.’ Tyranny in him was not ‘sacred’: it was not eternal: it was not instinctively bound in league of amity with other tyrannies: it was not sanctioned by all ‘the laws of religion and Morality.”



We do not pretend to establish, from the few documents which follow, Napoléon’s pure and simple persistence in Bonapartist ideas. Every man who thinks also evolves, and we are not writing today the history of a philosopher’s thinking, but that of his progresive thinking, in brief, the evolution of his doctrine. All the more reason why the thinking of the statesman should also be subject to evolution….

What we want to establish is no more than this :

(a) Persistence of the profound effect exerted on Bonaparte by the religion of the Prophet, whom he loved;

(b) By implication, the absolute sincerity of the Cairo proclamations and the instructions he gave there;

(c) And in consequence, the compounded error levied against Bonaparte the Islamophile: shortcomings of the French leaders who did not understand him, and took it as a joke; lack of foresight within the population and among a majority of the indigenous top people, who failed to gauge the importance of the occasion.

We know the passionate interest of Goethe in everything that touches on Islamism. He had translated Voltaire’s Mahomet (1), and eliminated everything hostile to the prophet’s memory. (2)

When they met, on the 2nd October 1808, Goethe and Napoléon almost immediately started talking about Mahomet.

Here is Goethe’s account:

The Emperor takes his lunch, sitting at a very large round table; on his right, at a few steps from the table, stands Talleyrand ; on his left, and close by him, is Daru, with whom he discusses the taxes to be raised.

The Emperor signals for me to make my approach.

I remain standing before him, at a respectful distance.

Having looked me over carefully, he says, “You are a man.”

I bow my head. He puts a question:. “How old are you?”


“You are well preserved. You have written dramas?”

I give a minimal response.

Here Daru takes up the theme. In order to flatter the Germans and to a certain point soften the pain he was forced to inflict upon them, he had studied a little of their literature; Daru knew Latin literature very well, indeed he was the author of an edition of Horace.

He talks about me as the most favourable critics in Berlin might have done, at least I recognised in his words their ideas and mannerisms.

He added that I had translated French works, notably Voltaire’s Mahomet.

The Emperor replied, “That is not a good play.” And he further revealed in a very detailed fashion how little it suited the conqueror of the world to make such an unfavourable portrayal of him..

He then turned the conversation to Werther, whom he must have studied from beginning to end…..

The Emperor seemed satisfied and came back to the drama; he made significant observations like a man who had studied the dramatic scene as carefully as a criminal judge, and who had strongly felt that the mistake of the French theatre is to distance itself from Nature and truth.

While developing this aspect, he disapproved of the dramas where fate plays a major role: “These plays belong to an epoch of darkness. Besides, what do they mean by their fate? Politics is fate.” (3)

On Saint Helena, after a reading of Voltaire’s Mahomet by Marchand, Napoléon expressed his ideas on the play, and Marchand collected them. These notes are, as the editor says, “the impulse of a frank opinion”. Therein their merit lies.


(1) Translator’s Note: Mahomet is the French spelling, which has been used throughout this version.

(2) About this very strange matter, see Friedrich Warnecke: Goethe’s Mahomet – Problem, Halle.

(3) See S.Sklower, conversation between Napoleon 1st and Goethe, by S.Sklower, Lille, Ernest Vanackere, 1853.

Napoleon Et’L Islam is, therefore, a major contribution to understanding someone who clearly had more than a passing interest in the Qur’an, its Message and its Messenger – peace and blessings be upon him. Whether or not he fasted or prayed five times a day is really of secondary importance (for there are many today who claim to be Muslims and do neither) what is important, however, is the fact that he truly recognised Islam as a superior system to the one prevailing elsewhere (then as now) and took a great deal of it for his own use and the benefit of his empire.

As the Holy Qu’ran states: Islam is a mercy to all creation. Furthermore he correctly concluded that the religion of Abraham would be revived through its sciences. Present day developments in Malaysia and other parts of the Islamic world seem to indicate that the Muslims are beginning to wake up to this important fact. No longer content to rehearse an endless litany of former glories – they are once again beginning to take notice of the Prophet’s (PBUH) advice particularly where he said: “Search for knowledge even unto China”. As we approach the beginning of a new century whoever emerges this time to revive the fortunes of Islam he would do well to consider Napoleon’s vision:

“I hope that the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men in the country and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of the Qur’an which alone are true and which alone can lead men to happiness… Christianity preaches only servitude and dependence…” (See Part Four – Correspondences of Napoleon Ist, No.3,148. page 110.)

On reading Napoleon & Islam, Mr Macron, like Lafitte, the Liberal Banker, on his way to the Hotel De’Ville following the July Revolution, is likely to also let slip the same remark given to the Duke of Orleans: ‘Hence forth the bankers will be in control’].



Islam, Napoleon and The Battle for France

Egypt on the Verge of Another Revolution?

By Kashif Ahmed

Egypt: At least one protester killed in anti-Sisi protests, hundreds  detained | Middle East Eye

Pro-Israeli President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, woke up to a fresh wave of protests in Cairo, Luxor, Beni Suef and Al-Jiza on Friday: Egyptians took to the streets in scenes reminiscent of the early stages of the Tahrir Square revolution; that toppled Zionist dictator, Hosni Mubarak, in 2011.

Organized by exiled whistle-blower, Mohamed Ali; anti-government demonstrations have been taking place across the country almost every day this week. With Egyptians demanding an end to the government’s repressive policies, and calling on President el-Sisi to resign.

Mohamed Ali, 35, worked with the government as a building contractor until last September; when he accused President el-Sisi of corruption and was consequently forced into exile: Now residing in Spain, Mr. Ali claims that he’s on the run for his life and is being followed / surveilled by agents working for el-Sisi. The Egyptian government, however, counter-claims that Ali is wanted for tax evasion, and are pressing Spanish authorities to extradite him.

Anti-Sisi hashtag trends as Egypt's president branded a kleptocrat | Middle  East Eye
President el-Sisi Vs. Mohamed Ali

Part of the Egyptian National Action Group (ENAG), Mohamed Ali hopes to mobilize popular support across the board in a bid to remove Mr. el-Sisi from office. ENAG was started by El-Ghad Party co-founder, Ayman Nour: You’ll remember him as the chap who ran against Hosni Mubarak in the 2005 elections and was later imprisoned: Mr. Nour went onto form an alliance with President Muhammad Morsi’s Freedom and Justice Party, but fled the country soon after General el-Sisi seized power via a U.S.-Israeli backed coup d’état in 2013.

Now we don’t know exactly who’s financing the ENAG, but they’ve laid out the following points as part of their regime-change agenda, in a manifesto entitled: The Egyptian Consensus Document:

  1. A civilian democratic system with the rule of law and the separation of executive, legislative and judicial powers and independence of the media.
  2. Equal citizenship rights for women and men and for geographical and
    historically marginalised groups including those of the Sinai, Nubia and Bedouins.
  3. Civil, political, economic, social, and cultural human rights as declared in international instruments.
  4. Freedom of association.
  5. Consensus on a comprehensive national project” along the lines of the Egyptian revolution of 2011: ‘Bread, freedom, social justice and human dignity’.
  6. Replacement of the existing government.
  7. Release of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience and transitional justice.
  8. Review of international agreements signed by the government in relation to transfer of Egyptian territory, natural resources and the waters of the Nile.

All of which sounds pretty reasonable (unless you’re part of el-Sisi’s government, of course, in which case point 6 would be a tad problematic), but given MENA’s bitter experience with the so-called ‘Arab Spring’, one has to ask: ‘Is this a legitimate revolutionary campaign against a corrupt government‘ or a controlled-op ruse; a figurative horsewhip to keep Mr. el-Sisi in line? A convoluted false-flag to motivate Jewry’s favorite Shabbos Goy to play a more active role in prosecuting Israel’s proxy-wars against Turkey and Libya? Perhaps.

All we know for sure; is that General el-Sisi has infuriated the vast majority of Egyptians with his pro-Israeli policies, extreme austerity measures and arrogant approach to governance. Mr el-Sisi has also been accused of ordering the assassination of Muhammad Morsi in 2019 and the murder of his 25-year-old son, Abdullah Morsi, earlier this month.

Mohamed Morsi's youngest son buried next to father in the middle of the  night | Middle East Eye
Muhammad Morsi and son Abdullah Morsi

Dalia Fahmy, Associate Professor of Political Science at Long Island University, New York, believes that a variety of factors have played a part in igniting these protests: “70 % of Egypt’s 98 million population were living on the brink or under the poverty line: That’s a situation that’s untenable. Add to that social and political constraints with people being arrested on charges of terrorism because they were protesting in the street.”

Needless to say, there’s no love lost between the government and millions of Egyptians who feel as if they were robbed of their first revolution, and have been through a baptism of fire in the years since. President el-Sisi is well aware of this; and the stage is set for what will likely be a short, but brutal, showdown.

Now even though we should all be wary of any exiled NGO that calls for revolution abroad, the facts on the ground show that the ENAG enjoys support from all sectors of Egyptian society (most of whom are pro-Palestinian). Whereas President el-Sisi, by his own admission, supports the illegitimate state of Israel: Mr. el-Sisi gifted Tel Aviv the Gaza-Sinai buffer zone, works closely with Israeli intelligence agencies, endorsed normalizing ties with the Jewish squatter-state and has tacitly embraced the moniker of being the most ‘Pro-Israeli Egyptian Leader in History’. So whilst the ENAG’s intentions may not be entirely egalitarian, they’re not seen as traitors for the time being either.

Egyptian security forces have sealed off Tharir Square, arrested over 2,000 people and allegedly shot dead three demonstrators in Al-Iyad, Al-Jiza in the early hours of Saturday morning. But Mohammad Ali remains defiant, as do those Egyptians who’ve put their heads above the parapet and are out on the streets right now. President el-Sisi, on the other hand, is also confident that he’s still a integral component of the U.S.-Israeli agenda in the region, and will thus be allowed to remain in power for as long as he wants…or at least as long as he’s needed by the U.S.-Israel.

PSYOPS 101: India’s Anti-Ertugrul Campaign Fails

By Kashif Ahmed


LIPO: Low-Intensity PSYOP
SNS-PSYOP: Social Networking Sites PSYOP

Now most of you already know this, but for the benefit of any newcomers: The intent behind an SNS-PSYOP is for one group of people (i.e. a troll farm) to impersonate, incriminate and frame another group of people.

The difference between a standard troll farm and an SNS-PSYOPS troll farm, is that the former is primarily set up for anonymous overt activity (i.e. intimidation, disruption, sabotage) whilst the latter operates covertly via bots and impostors / impersonators.

One of the most famous examples of an SNS-PSYOP impersonation, would be the case of U.S. based Zionist, Tim MacMaster: Who pretended to be the fictional ‘Amina Arraf –Lebanese lesbian blogger trapped in Syria’ posting fake news updates from the war, circa 2011.

Syria's inspirational 'gay girl' is unmasked as a man

American Zionist, Tim Macmaster, pretended to be a fictional lesbian blogger in a failed PSYOP against Syria.

And I’m sure we’ve all encountered the ‘Nigerian’ hasbarat at some point, the pro-Hindutva ‘Shia’, the pro-Israeli ‘Sunni’ and all manner of other shills & charlatans spreading disinfo & fake news via SNS.

The thing to remember here; is that all of the aforementioned characters (e.g. the Nigerian hasbarat) may exist in real life. But its the artificial proliferation and wide-scale deployment of this archetype by the enemy, which forms the basis of SNS-PSYOPS.

“SNS have not changed the place of PSYOPS in warfare but rather have potentially given rise to a new medium with features that magnify the PSYOPS scope”.

Social Networking Sites as a Tool of Psychological Operations: A Case Study By Josepeh Mabima, King’s College London, August 2018

Case in the point: Indian troll farm exposed, network partially shut down, remaining members (bots) reassigned.



When a troll farm’s activities have been exposed / pinpointed, the handler(s) usually have two options:

1) Disband the network.

2) Relocate its field of operations / reassign their operatives.

“A self-described former troll in India says he was given a half-dozen Facebook accounts and eight cell phones after he joined a 300-person team that worked to intimidate opponents of Prime Minister Narendra Modi”.

A Global Guide to State-Sponsored Trolling, By Michael Riley, Lauren Etter and Bibhudatta Pradhan, Bloomberg, July 19th, 2018


India’s priors on Instagram


2019: Esra Bilgic makes pro-Pakistan comments on social media, and expresses an interest in making a documentary about Kashmir. She is attacked by Indian trolls following her clash with Hindutva propagandist, Priyanka Copra.


May 2020: Ertugrul is dubbed in Urdu, released in Pakistan and becomes a phenomenally popular, record-breaking show.

June 2020: Esra Bilgic is allegedly trolled by ‘Pakistani’ Instagram users over photos of her at the beach and elsewhere. This prompts a regimented wave of pre-prepared condemnations from pro-Indian shills / those affiliated to foreign-funded NGOS / Geo TV-Mir-Shakil ur Rehman-Nawaz Sharif supporters.

My summarized assessment of the PSYOP was as follows:

“I suspect most of those trolls were Indians pretending to be Pakistanis, or pro-Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman types.”

Upon closer inspection, it’s obvious that many of the Instagram accounts who criticized Esra, were fake.

Many have since been deleted, or are no longer active.


The majority of accounts who expressed ‘outrage’ at the aforementioned comments; were also pro-Indian, and linked to foreign funded NGOs / supporters of jailed media magnate, Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman (owner of Geo News). And no prizes for guessing which channel has been promoting this PSYOP almost everyday for two months straight, who else but Geo News.

Despite the fact that their PYSOP flopped; India’s scam did, to some extent, stir up a short-lived scandal: A scandal in which the enemy relied upon the gullibility / laziness of the target audience (i.e. social media users) to buy into the con, and work a narrative around that fabricated premise (i.e. moral policing in Pakistan targeting an allied country and attempting to alienate a pro-Pakistani person).

India’s PSYOP failed, not because the majority of people got wise to it, but simply because the force-multipliers on the ground (i.e. real Pakistani social media users) overwhelmed both the Indian troll farm and their out-in-the-open, Pakistan-based shills: The PSYOP fizzled out; even though many of those who’d helped thwart it, had absolutely no idea that they’d just beaten a troll farm.

The fact that some social media users simply latched onto India’s lies without dong any research; is indicative of how SNS-PSYOPS prey upon the bad habits of the average user: Even those who ought to have known better, simply didn’t take the time to look into the issue: They just went with the propaganda for cheap laughs; perhaps in a bid to riff off the trend and gain followers, or perhaps just to indulge in a bit of self-aggrandizing tomfoolery.

Its a cliche at this point, but whenever something doesn’t quite seem right to you; if it sounds fake or OTT, just ask yourselves that old question: ‘Cui Bono’? ‘Who Benefits’?


Pakistan, Turkey and the cast of Ertugrul may have won the internet, but this whole scenario gave us a valuable insight into the functioning dynamics of a low-intensity, SNS-PSYOP. And how the enemies of Islam (e.g. the illegitimate state of Israel, Hindutva-RSS goons, NGO liberals et al) will instinctively stoop to the lowest level to try and prevent any kind of unity between Muslims: Whether that’s military, political / ideological solidarity (i.e. working to liberate Kashmir and Palestine) or even entertainment-based, cultural-exchanges like Ertugrul.

And as for the Indians and their collaborators? Well, this whole thing was a stark reminder about what can happen when an SNS-PSYOP backfires: I mean; who’s to say the cast of Ertugrul weren’t informed about where those fake accounts were based? Who’s to say Esra Bilgic and others didn’t figure all this out for themselves at some point? After all, the Turks seem to love the Pakistanis (and vice versa) more now than they did before the PSYOP!

So here’s hoping Esra Bilgic visits Pakistan soon, and makes that documentary about Kashmir. Here’s hoping that every Indian PSYOP fails as spectacularly as this one. And here’s hoping that Ertugrul’s magnificent motto blossoms its way into the Psyche of pro-Palestine, pro-Kashmir people around the world: ‘Sonsuza dek adalet sonsuza dek özgürlük’: Justice Forever, Freedom Forever.

PTV News on Twitter: "After the overwhelming response of ...

Corona Conspiracy Goes Viral: Ex-UN Ambassador, Investigative Journalist and Veteran Doctor Tell-All

Research By David Musa Pidcock, Sami Ibrahim, Dr. Rashid Buttar, Abdullah Haroon

By Kashif Ahmed

OK, ladies and gentlemen, some of you may be wondering why Forward March hasn’t posted anything about the Coronavirus yet.

Well, primarily because we wanted to get the facts straight and establish a clear timeline of events; rather than just pin-balling around the table without hitting any bumpers, so to speak.

But almost five months on from the U.S.-Israeli bio-terror attack on Wuhan, and the global repercussions of China’s alleged retaliation. We’ve gathered some important interviews & videos in order to get a clear insight into exactly how this Black Swan came to be, and the manner in which the world is being reconfigured in its wake.

For the record, Forward March endorses the testimony of Pakistan’s former UN Ambassador, Abdullah Haroon.

  • COVID19 was made by Israeli agents in the U.S, patented by Zionists in Britain, flown into Wuhan by foreign operatives via Canada and deployed by Israeli co-opted factions of the U.S. military.
  • This genocidal plot was devised by the illegitimate state of Israel (who have the vaccine, and planned to hold the world to ransom—by only giving it out in exchange for countries recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital).
  • China countered the conspiracy: Allegedly altered the virus (thus rendering Israel’s vaccine useless) and sent it right back where it came from.

Renowned Pakistani journalist, Sami Ibrahim, is a senior political analyst, investigative reporter and Programme Director at Bol News (Talk News).


Once COVID19 boomeranged on the West, and it became apparent that the U.S.-Israeli plot had backfired: Rothschild controlled regimes turned the scenario into a convoluted, hybridised-hoax of sorts: Now that’s not to say COVID19’s effects aren’t real or that anyone’s faking it, on the contrary; its very real and whilst most victims pull through, many don’t. And thousands of innocent civillians (e.g. medical personnel, front-line workers et al) have been caught up in the crossfire of this international conspiracy.

The point is that certain governments have made COVID19 a “live-exercise” (to quote Mike Pompeo) to test preparedness for future wars & flirt with total tyranny via lock-downs, curfews, surveillance & depopulation.

For example, the British government appears to be culling the elderly / terminating the most vulnerable members of society (and burning their bodies) under the catch-all banner of COVID19 (the money saved on their pensions, will likely go some way towards paying for those troops who are coming back from Afghanistan and elsewhere).

Its also suspected that variant forms of COVID19 (or some other bio-agent) are being directed against Black and ethnic minorities in the U.S. and Britain.

Coronavirus: New York ramps up mass burials amid outbreak - BBC News

The reason Pompeo called it a live exercise, is because they already had the drill (i.e. Event 201: A Global Pandemic Exercise) in October 2019. 

That said, this whole shambolic affair has proven, yet again, that bio-weapons are like rabid dogs; once let slip, there’s no telling where they’ll go or who they’ll end up biting. The U.S.-Israel wanted to prove they could hit China in its own back yard. But China wasn’t about to take a hit like that lying down, and allegedly proved it could retaliate against the U.S.-Israel in a much more devastating manner.

Now the ignorant masses can be effectively (albeit temporarily) controlled by fear, indoctrination and repetitive propaganda routines (e.g. clapping sessions, sloganeering etc). But its only a matter of time before people figure it out, and what happens then is anyone’s guess.


The illegitimate state of Israel hasn’t been able to reinvent itself as the vaccine-bearing-world-saviour, but they’re desperate to be crowned a superpower in some way, shape or form: Zionist Jewry’s out to attain this status, not necessarily by becoming stronger, but by making its Shabbos Goys weaker.

Its a mad plan to be sure; but lest we forget that “those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad”: And Bibi Netanyahu has been under immense pressure his whole adult life; not just to expand the borders of the Jewish terror state, but to hasten the arrival of Judaism’s long-awaited messiah (i.e. Moshiach Dajjal–the Antichrist), and now it looks like he’s finally set the Satanic wheels in motion.

But like they say; one should always be careful about what you wish for; because if Indiana Jones movies have taught us anything, its that whomsoever opens the Ark; also has to look inside.


There’s now a competition on for developing the new vaccine: Jared Kusher’s cabal on one side, Bill Gates & WHO on the other.

Think of it like a competition between Dracula and Nosferatu.

“The world’s population will peak. Now, we do have huge population growth in places where we don’t want it, like Yemen and Pakistan and parts of Africa, where we don’t have the resources to really help those people…”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Is Bill Gates Satan's Spawn? Or Merely a ...
Bill Gates: ‘Capitalism Did Not Eradicate Smallpox’,” Washington Post, Jan. 21, 2014 

Dr. Rashid A. Buttar: Medical Director of the Centre for Advanced Medicine and Clinical Research, graduate of the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, College of Medicine and Surgery. Dr. Buttar trained in General Surgery and Emergency Medicine, he served as Brigade Surgeon and Director of Emergency Medicine while serving in the U.S. Army.

Now whilst I agree with about 80% of what Dr. Rashid is saying here, I’m against the idea of mass-gatherings as a form of protest. The main reason being that whilst the threat of COVID19 has clearly been exaggerated in light of the facts & figures, Israeli agents are still engaged in decentralized bio-warfare against the global population, and must be stopped or put on warning first.

After all, as we can see from certain excerpts in the following footage; U.S.-Israeli agents were deployed to spread COVID19 (or some other bio-agent) around China in late 2019-early 2020.

So its only when these Zionist criminals feel under pressure or are on the back foot; that we can find an opening and clear the way for a safe resumption of regular activities.

Thus phasing out social-distancing / quarantine rules, must be simultaneously accompanied by a clear message from the people to their respective governments: We must demand an end to U.S.-Israeli terrorism, and the immediate closure of all U.S.-Israeli bio-weapon laboratories around the world.

Now I doubt these Rothschild owned crooks will simply comply with our demands, but the mere fact that their homicidal agenda has been compromised, is likely to prompt a modicum of hesitation about how this “live exercise” should proceed, or whether its time to call it quits.

Will the COVID19 secret-skirmish become the opening salvo of World War III, or silently facilitate the realisation that the evil era of U.S.-Israeli imperialism is over? Time will tell.