Taliban Wins War: Indian-Occupied Kashmir, Delhi and Jerusalem Next?

What's Happening in Afghanistan? U.S. Forces Complete Withdrawal - WSJ

By Kashif Ahmed

OK, ladies and gentlemen, we all know what happened by now; so I’m not going to bore you with some convoluted article about this, that and the other thing.

Because it is what it is, it was what’s it’s been and it will be what’s it’s always going to be: Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires, and she just buried the Jew.S.A.

Afghanistan was a miracle. One of the most amazing historical events of all time: Bigger than the defeat of the Rothschild-controlled British Empire at New Orleans, on a par with the fall of Jewish Khazaria, comparable to Vietnam but in many ways more important than all three.

For never has such a war been waged: The Jew.S.A (the most militarily-advanced nation on the planet) and almost every army in the Western world; ganged up on the Afghan Taliban (the least militarily-equipped government on the planet). And the Taliban won.

For 20 long years; the invaders threw everything including the kitchen sink at the resistance: They committed cowardly drone attacks on Afghan schools, hospitals and kindergartens. They went door-to-door at night kidnapping random Afghans and terrorizing their families at gunpoint. They tortured captives to death in Bagram, re-started the Heroin business and murdered unarmed people for sport; U.S.-NATO occupiers broke every rule of engagement and behaved in the most depraved / dishonorable manner imaginable; and they still lost to, if you’ll excuse the cliches; a ‘rag-tag’ band of ‘stone-age’ guerrillas.

How We Got Here:

  1. Israel did 9/11 to start the fraudulent war on terror.
  2. U.S. and 42 NATO armies invade Afghanistan to re-start heroin production (which had fallen to its lowest recorded levels in history in 2000) whilst destabilizing China and Pakistan.
  3. India-Israel join the U.S-NATO in a behind-the-scenes role, sponsoring terrorism inside Afghanistan and against neighboring Pakistan.
  4. Afghanistan and Pakistan thwart the U.S.-Israeli-Indian-EU agenda.
  5. U.S. withdraws, first phase of the regional war comes to an end.

20 Years on the front

How newspaper front pages covered the fall of Afghanistan to Taliban forces  - CNN

People say that the U.S.-Israel-EU-India knew they’d lost the war, the day China and Russia got on the same page about the future of the region (i.e BRI and other issues). Maybe it seems surreal because we’re witnessing the end of Zio-U.S. hegemony, just like we saw the end of the Soviet Union; like a melting ice glacier that drips and drips over time (which no one really notices) and then suddenly breaks off.

2001-05 U.S.-NATO definitely had the upper hand, but were instantly unpopular due to their crimes against civilians, reviving gangs & narco-terrorists who’d been defeated by the Taliban. China isn’t a major power yet, Russia still on the ropes, Pakistan facing multiple U.S.-Israeli-Indian proxy terror groups, and Indian occupation forces on the LOC, Iran a bit lethargic under Khatami and opposed to the Taliban government for a variety of reasons.

How the US military's opium war in Afghanistan was lost - BBC News

The War in Afghanistan, by Max Parry - The Unz Review
U.S. Troops Patrol Poppy Fields

2005-11: Afghan Taliban comeback of sorts, invaders losing the initiative, China becoming more powerful, Russia becoming stronger, Pakistan making some headway against terror, Iran very much back on the scene with Ahmadinejad.

2010-16: Afghan Taliban become giant killers in that they made the ground beneath the invader’s feet so unstable; that the U.S. couldn’t take a step forwards, backwards, or even a sidestep. Unbeatable guerrilla warfare by the Afghan Taliban on home territory–e.g. the CIA had all the best surveillance equipment, but some Afghan fighters were apparently communicating via locals in dialects no one knew, or using words that made no sense to the invader; Some U.S. hired Afghan interpreters were also allegedly covert resistance operatives; deliberately mistranslating things, insider-attacks increased and so on. China now a world power, Russia also a major power again, Pakistan beating proxy-terror groups, NATO armies begin dropping out.

‘Afghan national Army’ and NDS widely regarded as a comedy force of mercenaries; very well funded, but very badly trained by the Americans and Indians. It’s like putting an expensive saddle on a Mule, and ordering it to race a Markhor up a mountain. All U.S. puppets (government, military etc) were mercenaries / corrupt politicians; and without the puppet-master pulling their strings; they collapsed in a heap: When the Ashraf Ghani government stopped paying their troops around April-May 2021; some of the better soldiers defected to the Taliban or just handed in their weapons to the Taliban without fighting (which is why so many districts were captured without a single shot being fired).

2016-2019: Massive push by the U.S.-Israel-India to bring the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) into the Af-Pak borderlands. Had the U.S. been able to do this, it may have tilted the war against the Taliban. The Afghan Taliban’s Red Unit (special ops guerrilla force) destroyed ISIS in the battle of Darzab–which when they write the history of this Afghan war; will be regarded as a major turning point in the conflict.

Biden's blunder in Afghanistan - The Boston Globe
Taliban Red Unit Guerrillas Protect Darzab

2019-21: China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran on the same page; Rare Earth profits coming in, some Afghan Taliban allegedly overpower the CIA drug cartel and begin to receive protection money from the invaders not to attack them. Staggered U.S. retreat begins.

Helmand province (a notorious gold and mineral rich area where U.S. and British occupation forces had conducted numerous operations) is decisively reconquered & secured by the Taliban; Baghlan and Borka districts provide the resistance with a clear road to Kabul.

Afghanistan-Taliban Crisis LIVE Updates: Taliban Celebrate Victory As Last  US Troops Leave Afghanistan
Taliban Spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, Addresses Troops in Kabul

2021: U.S.-Indian trained ‘Afghan’ forces crumble in days, U.S. imposed government folds, U.S. withdraws, Afghan Taliban take the capital and declare victory.

Video appears to show Taliban inside presidential palace in Kabul - CNN  Video

U.S., France, India and others retreat en-masse, abandoning their embassies. China, Pakistan, Russia, Iran and Turkey continue as normal.

Proxy Wars, False Flags and the Liberation of Indian-Occupied Kashmir (IOK)

So we’re into the proxy war stage now; where the defeated party will attempt to deploy their terrorist assets (e.g. Blackwater-ISIS-TTP-BLA et al) and bribe potential agents to run sabotage-terror attacks. Not to challenge the Taliban’s power or impose some Rojava-esque Templar state. But primarily to delay Chinese investments, and give the impression that the U.S.-Israel-EU-India still has some clout.

But we all know that post-war proxy-ops are slapdash, shambolic affairs; which are more about nursing an invader’s injured pride, than actually making any gains on the ground. Because even the U.S-Israel-EU-India aren’t deluded enough to think they can achieve the sort of results from afar with mercenaries, that they couldn’t achieve when they were actually in country as an occupation force.

And so this phase will likely resemble what the CIA did with failed Tibetan terror group the Mustangs in China after Operations Circus, Barnum and Bailey, or with the remnants of the anti-Castro 2506 after Playa Giron.

But its a very different world now, so School of the Americas style shenanigans aren’t really going to work in a region that’s soundly seen off Uncle Sam at the height of his power, and is blossoming towards a new and prosperous era.

That said, given the nature of what the resistance discovered in the Indian consulate, and the official debut of the Taliban’s 313 Badri Brigade commando units: The outlook for the next 12-18 months will likely see the Indians ordered by the U.S.-Israel-EU to begin hostilities (via a false flag in IOK) against Pakistan and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. This could force the allies into a serendipitous scenario which will

1) Accelerate ongoing freedom struggles within the Indian federation (e.g. Khalistan, Nagaland, Farmer’s Protests, Naxal Land and others).

2) Instigate the internal collapse of the Indian military / Mossad-RAW-RSS terror nexus.

3) Lead to the complete & unconditional liberation of IOK.

“As Muslims, we have the right to raise our voice for Muslims in Indian-occupied Kashmir, or in any other country. We will raise our voice and say that Muslims here are with you”.

Transcript: NPR's Full Interview With Taliban Spokesman Suhail Shaheen |  New England Public Media

Suhail Shaheen, Taliban spokesman, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Now India is the new Iraq, circa 1979. And Zionists are prepared to use their Hindutva sidekicks as expendable whack-a-moles against China, Pakistan, Afghanistan…and Russia, and Iran and anyone else they’re against that week. India will be ‘ushered’ into the fray as the U.S.-Israel’s most dependable asset in the region. So when Pakistani Defense Analyst, Zaid Hamid, states that Indians fear the 313 Badri Brigade coming to IOK, he’s probably right. Since we appear to be moving towards the liberation of Kashmir / Ghazwa-e-Hind (i.e. the war to end Hindu extremism in the Indian subcontinent) which, as eschatology fans and keen readers of Hadith will know; leads to the epic battle to free Al-Quds Jerusalem from Jewish rule.

But lets not get ahead of ourselves and keep things focused on Afghanistan for the moment. Bottom line: The U.S.-Israel-EU-India lost a major strategic front over there, and the advantage goes to China-Pakistan-Russia-Iran.

The Jew.S.A: Good at starting wars based on lies, not so good at lying about why they lose those wars.

Henry Ford once said: “Corral the 50 wealthiest Jews and there would be no war”. We’ll we’ve had a lot of wars since then, so perhaps its time for Americans to jail the Jewish extremists, and see if that helps.