Palestinian Poet Imprisoned by Jewish Occupation

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that the greatest form of Jihad (Struggle) is to “Speak a word of truth in front of a tyrannical ruler”.

And Palestinian poet, Dareen Tatour, is doing just that: For Dareen is a freedom fighter in every sense of the word. Dareen is defiance, Dareen is the struggle, Dareen is Palestine.

This is the poem for which she was imprisoned.

The poem for which she’s about to ‘stand trial’.

The poem for which she could be sentenced to 7-years in prison:

Resist, My People, Resist Them

By Dareen Tatour

Resist, my people, resist them.

In Jerusalem, I dressed my wounds and breathed my sorrows

And carried the soul in my palm

For an Arab Palestine.

I will not succumb to the “peaceful solution,”

Never lower my flags

Until I evict them from my land.

I cast them aside for a coming time.

Resist, my people, resist them.

Resist the settler’s robbery

And follow the caravan of martyrs.

Shred the disgraceful constitution

Which imposed degradation and humiliation

And deterred us from restoring justice.

They burned blameless children;

As for Hadil, they sniped her in public,

Killed her in broad daylight.

Resist, my people, resist them.

Resist the colonialist’s onslaught.

Pay no mind to his agents among us

Who chain us with the peaceful illusion.

Do not fear doubtful tongues;

The truth in your heart is stronger,

As long as you resist in a land

That has lived through raids and victory.

So Ali called from his grave:

Resist, my rebellious people.

Write me as prose on the agarwood;

My remains have you as a response.

Resist, my people, resist them.

Resist, my people, resist them.

October 11th, 2015, Reine, Galilee, Jewish occupied Palestine: The illegitimate state of Israel is such a cowardly, corrupt and ideologically fragile entity; that as soon as this powerful poem was posted online; a horde of IDF shock-troops burst into Dareen Tatour’s home, and arrested her at gunpoint.

She was charged with some vague, Kafka-esque ‘crime’ that the occupiers claimed had something to do with ‘incitement’ and ‘hate speech’. Dareen spent the next three months in an Israeli dungeon, was released; and has been under house arrest ever since: Her ‘trial’ is due to begin on October 17th 2017.

The Jewish court (essentially a Sanhedrin, since the May 2014 adoption of The Talmud as the basis of basic law) will be looking to convict and impose upon her the maximum sentence of 7-years.

Dareen Tatour is one of over 400 Palestinians, who have been arrested for social media posts since January 2017. The illegitimate state of Israel currently holds 6,128 Palestinian political prisoners, 320 of whom are minors.

Lets go over the main points one more time: A Palestinian is arrested in her own country by foreign occupiers, is denied her freedom for almost two years and now faces up to 7-years in prison for writing a poem.

International Solidarity

September 18th 2017: The Brooklyn branch of left-wing publishing company, Verso Books, held a solidarity meeting for Dareen; attended by writers, activists and poets from across the political spectrum:

“We found that the main method to silence Palestine solidarity activists is through false accusations of anti-Semitism: In other words, criticizing the state of Israel or standing up for Palestinian human rights. Three hundred fifty of the 650 total incidents stem from false accusations of anti-Semitism.”

Radhika Sainath, Attorney at Palestine Legal and Cooperating Counsel with the Center for Constitutional Rights

Now Jewish extremists have done this sort of thing before, albeit wearing different masks of Zion:

“Anti-Communism is anti-Semitism.”

Jewish Voice (New York: National Council of Jewish Communists), July-August 1941, p. 23

“There is no official anti-Semitism in Russia; anti-Semitism in Russia is a crime against the State.”

Chalm Weizmann, The Jewish People and Palestine (London: Zionist Organization, 1939), p. 7

But just as those “faulty ideological perceptions” (to quote Vladimir Putin) were countered and eventually forced to fold under the weight of their own inequity. So too must the Jewish fanaticism of today be driven back and conquered.

If the Jewish occupation denies Palestinian poets the right to express themselves in Palestine. Then pro-Palestinian people everywhere, will see to it that no Israeli is allowed to profit from any kind of artistic endeavour anywhere in the world: We’re not talking about passive boycotts (which can be outlawed by Israeli collaborators in government) or waving placards (which is an inherently useless activity). But proactive protectionism, counter-propaganda, and the judicial redefinition of ‘Political Correctness’ , ‘Antisemitism’ and ‘Hate Speech’.

Thus in order to help the Palestinians reclaim their freedom from the illegitimate state of Israel; we must convincingly reclaim our own from the same enemy.

For make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen, if it wasn’t for the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance, we’d be living under an even worse kind of Judeo-Bolshevik tyranny then the one that exists right now: Jewish extremists want to make a global Gaza, a worldwide West Bank, with them as the master-race (i.e. ‘chosen people’) and us as their ‘goyim’ (cattle). But its thanks to courageous people like Dareen Tatour, that Zionist Jewry’s megalomania is routinely undermined and thwarted across the board.

UPDATE: MAY 4th 2018

Israel convicts Palestinian poet of incitement 






Jewish Squatter Plans Palestinian Genocide

By Kashif Ahmed

But some clueless activists still want to talk about ‘antisemitism’

September 12th, Jewish occupied Al-Quds Jerusalem:

The Israeli National Union party, a branch of the Habayit Hayehudi (The Jewish Home Party), held a conference hosted by Member of the Knesset, Bezalel Smotrich, and supported by Habayit Hayehudi’s Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Uri Ariel.

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Jewish squatters Bezalel Smotrich & Ayelet Shaked in the Knesset.

The conference was a platform for Smotrich, a Ukrainian squatter who grew up on stolen Palestinian land, to present his policy paper entitled: ‘One Hope – the decision plan for Israel’ a.k.a. Tochnit Ha-Hachra’ah (‘The Decision Plan’).

Essentially a convoluted death threat; I’ll quote Smotrich’s swindle-speak version first, and then translate it into plain English.

“You, our Arab neighbors, should learn the program we adopted today: It is very important for you as well. Good neighborliness, rights and quality of life for you and your children and grandchildren will be yours only after you have separated from the illusion of realizing your national aspirations here in the Land of Israel.”

Bezalel Smotrich

Translation: Surrender or die.

“This decision will be realized through declarations – an unequivocal Israeli statement to the Arabs and to the entire world that no Palestinian state will be established, but mainly in actions – the application of full Israeli sovereignty over the territories of the homeland in Judea and Samaria, and the establishment of new cities and communities deep inside with hundreds of thousands of additional settlers living there. This will make it clear to the Arabs and to the entire world that the reality in Judea and Samaria is irreversible, and that the Arab dream has vanished once and for all. The settlement component is therefore intended to burn into the consciousness of the Arabs and the entire world that there is no chance of establishing an Arab state in the Land of Israel.”

Bezalel Smotrich

Translation: Resistance is futile.

None of this should come as a surprise to anyone familiar with Bezalel’s priors: For this smarmy Jewish fanatic, shamefully defended the murderers of 18-month-old Palestinian baby, Ali Sa’ad Dawabsheh (burned to death with his parents, when their home was firebombed by Jewish terrorists on July 31st 2015).

Sa’ad and Riham Dawabsha and their 18-month-old son, Ali, were burnt to death when their home was firebombed by Jewish terrorists on July 31st 2015.  4-year-old Ahmed Dawabsha  was the only survivor, but suffered third-degree burns in the attack.

Smotrich denied that the killers were terrorists, and went onto express his own depraved desire to imprison, exile or murder Palestinian children. Mr. Smotrich also advocates for apartheid policies against Palestinian doctors in maternity wards. Policies loudly endorsed by Mrs Smotrich, a jabbering Jewess who’s dropped a litter of six so far, and doesn’t want “…to have an Arab midwife, because giving birth is a Jewish and pure moment: I kicked an Arab obstetrician out of the delivery room. I want Jewish hands to touch my baby, and I wasn’t comfortable lying in the same room with an Arab woman”.

That said, I don’t begrudge this individual (or his wife) for a second. On the contrary, I appreciate his honesty: For Smotrich embodies what Henry Ford defined as the International Jew, a paid-up member of what Jesus Christ (pbuh) called the Synagogue of Satan. To begrudge a Jewish extremist for admitting to what he is, would be to hate the tapeworm for its parasitism, or to loathe the swine for eating its own faeces: To each thing its own nature, and you can’t change the nature of a thing; anymore than you can determine the course of a single raindrop in a hurricane.

Extremism for a pro-Israeli Jew, is as natural as breathing to you and I.  Their entire ideology is based on an oppressive, predatory mechanism; one in which they regard themselves as the master-race (i.e. ‘chosen people’) and see everyone else as ‘goyim’ (i.e. cattle). This demented dogma has manifested itself in a variety of increasingly hostile ways over the last 3,000 years: Its not our job to understand their evil ideology. Just to weed it out when we see it.

Zionism is Judaism

Baezel’s Tochnit Ha-Hachra’ah is a component of Jewry’s plan for the overt annexation of the West Bank (already under IDF occupation): Israeli Defence Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, has put into motion a sinister scheme to exile Palestinians from Susiya (in Hebron) and Khan al-Ahmar (Al Quds Jerusalem), force a mass-population-displacement within the next two months, demolish Palestinian homes and open up Palestinian towns to a squatter-horde of Zionist zombies, who’ll scurry into these areas like emaciated rats chasing the last piece of cheese.

PM Benjamin Netanyahu, has also been working to facilitate this agenda for some time; depriving Palestinians of running water, electricity and keeping the entire West Bank under a brutal IDF occupation.

“The vision of the decision plan is not new: These are the foundations on which Zionism was erected. Israel was awarded to us according to international law.”
Bezalel Smotrich

Smotrich, Liberman, Netanyahu et al are bloodthirsty criminals who belong behind bars, but as long as the illegitimate state of Israel exists as the international HQ of global Jewish terrorism; these are the only sort of people who will be empowered to make policy.

What we need to understand is that Israeli psychopathy isn’t an aberration of Jewish thought, it’s the norm at this particular moment in time: Smotrich doesn’t represent a lunatic fringe, he represents the mainstream abomination that is Jewish extremism today.

For as I’ve tried to warn many a hapless, PC pro-Palestinian campaigner: Zionism is Judaism as practised in the illegitimate state of Israel, and by pro-Israeli Jews the world over. Its not just some Shylockian, Yiddish usurper from Eastern Europe who harbours a homicidal hatred of the ‘goyim’: It’s the pro-Israeli Jew at your workplace, the loquacious old Jewish secretary who celebrates the deaths of Palestinians in Gaza, the Jewish lawyer who works to help Israeli war-criminals escape justice, the Jewish journalist who claims to support the ‘two-state solution’ (i.e. the no-state-solution): Feelers and tentacles attached to that Rothschild controlled organism we call pro-Israeli Jewry.

The Enemy Within

Lets briefly examine exactly who’s endorsing / promoting Smotrich’s plan in the West:

  • ‘The Decision Plan’ was first printed in the September 6th issue of the Jewish magazine ‘Hashiloach’, published by the Tikvah Fund (based in New York).

Jewish banker, Zalman-Sanford Bernstein, used to run this publication. Now owned by his widow and ‘philanthropist’, Elaine Mem Bernstein: Tikvah’s board of directors reads like who’s-who of Israeli agents in America:

  • Roger Hertog (Chairman)

Founding partner of investment research and management firm Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Former chairman of The New-York Historical Society and The Manhattan Institute, American Enterprise Institute, NY Philharmonic, NY Public Library, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation and the Washington Institute for Near-East Policy.

  • Elliott Abrams

Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations Washington, D.C. Special Assistant to former U.S. President George W. Bush. Abrams facilitated contra death-squads in Nicaragua and El Salvador during his tenure as Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights in the Reagan administration. And has been accused of partly-planning the failed CIA coup attempt in Venezuela, 2002. Abrams has held the post of Senior Director for Democracy, Human Rights, and International Operations at the National Security Council. And is on the Committee for Peace and Security in the Gulf (CPSG), Center for Security Policy & National Secretary Advisory Council, Committee for a Free Lebanon, and the Project for the New American Century.

  • Ms. Elaine Mem Bernstein

Venture capitalist, chairwoman of The AVI CHAI Foundation (funded by the estate of Zalman Bernstein). Now don’t be fooled by Ms. Bernstein’s amiable facade; never forget the deranged content of the plan her magazine deemed fit to promote. Never forget that AVI CHAI is a cabal that disseminates Jewish propaganda, solely aimed towards the “perpetuation of the Jewish people, Judaism, and the centrality of the State of Israel to the Jewish people”.

  • Arthur W. Fried

Arthur Fried at 2011 JFNA Investment Institute.mp4_snapshot_26.15_[2017.09.21_01.08.30]

Ex-MD of Lehman Brothers. Former CEO of The Rothschild Foundation, Jerusalem/Geneva. Former Chairman and CEO of The AVI CHAI Foundation.

  • Moshe Koppel

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Jewish supremacist & Israeli computer scientist. Dr. Koppel and (MK) Michael Eitan, drafted two proposed constitutions for the illegitimate state of Israel in collaboration with the Institute for Zionist Strategies (IZS). Some suggest that Koppel’s Kohelet Policy Forum (KPF) think-tank, is partly responsible for Netanyahu’s May 2014 declaration; that ‘basic law’ in ‘Israel’ will be based on The Talmud.

  • Jay Lefkowitz

Image result for Jay Lefkowitz 2019

Lawyer / partner at Kirkland & Ellis and part of their global management executive committee. Professor of administrative law at Columbia Law School. Former U.S. Special Envoy on Human Rights in North Korea (2004-09). Deputy Assistant to George W. Bush for Domestic Policy. Ex-Director of Cabinet Affairs and Deputy Executive Secretary of the Domestic Policy Council for President George Bush Senior.

  • William Kristol

Project for the New American Century member, pushed for the Iraq war, propagandised on behalf of the illegitimate state of Israel during the Lebanon war, member of Jewish advocacy group: The Emergency Committee for Israel. Currently hosts an online chat show; ‘Conversations with Bill Kristol’.

Palestine is Palestine

Needless to say, Baezial is deluded if he thinks that Palestinians are going to abandon a century of heroic resistance when they’re on the cusp of victory. But its not just Palestinian Muslims and Christians who’ve undermined the Jewish occupation. The illegitimate state of Israel is also an anathema to an embattled minority of moderate and secular Jews: Jews who don’t want to be defined by some tenuous theological link with those inbred, infanticidal, Talmud-thumping thieves in Tel Aviv.

Pro-Israeli Jews claim they’re the master race (i.e. ‘chosen people’) but are humiliated every 100 years or so: Jewish extremists have been fought and expelled en-masse from a 109 countries so far, with each nation citing the exact same crimes committed by the Jewish occupation. So if Baezial is as honest with himself as he is with us: Then he’s aware of the fact that ‘Israel’ is long past its expiry date, and neither Kurdistan nor Patagonia can stop the rot.

Jewish extremists still have a very small window of opportunity to change: Return the stolen land upon which they fester and either go back to Birobidzhan, live as law-abiding citizens of Palestine or return to their respective countries of origin.

So Mr. and Mrs Smotrich, Baal and Isha; on behalf of Palestine, and all us ‘goyim’ who support the Palestinian cause; know this: We will never bend the knee for Jewish fanatics. You threaten us with Deir Yassin, Jenin and Cast Lead. We remind you of Lebanon 1982, 2000 and 2006.

Insha’Allah the Palestinians (Muslims and Christians) will liberate every square inch of their country,  and hopefully you’ll both be around to see it. And when the wars are over, Palestine will be Palestine. But the illegitimate state of Israel will be nothing more than a bad memory. A dark chapter for humanity, not dissimilar to the tyranny of the forgotten Jewish empire of Khazaria; an embarrassing footnote in the annals of history.


35th Anniversary of the Sabra and Shatila Massacre

By Kashif Ahmed

Reham Alhelsi, Sunday, 19th September 2010, My Palestine, Uprooted Palestinians, ’28 Years Later: Sabra and Shatila Massacre’

“One September day, after playing with my siblings and friends in our land, we returned home with joy in our hearts. We were very happy and rushed to tell my parents of our plan to go on a “picnic” the following day with our friends. My father looked at us and said calmly: no, there will be no picnic tomorrow.

My parents were sitting in front of the TV, both unusually quiet, my father’s eyes looked troubled, my mother had tears in her eyes. The house was silent, dead silent, except for the screams coming from the TV. I looked at the TV and saw the same images over and over: dead bodies …. dead bodies …. dead bodies….28 years ago, I saw images of butchered Palestinians, piled up like sacks one over the other. I saw images of murdered men, women, children and elderly filling the streets. I saw women crying and shouting and cursing. I saw Sabra and Shatila.”

September 16th–18th, 1982, Lebanon

Three months after the illegitimate state of Israel had invaded Lebanon: Zionist Jews and Phalangist collaborators;  besieged Sabra and the Palestinian refugee camp in Shatila, West Beirut.

The IDF-Phalange axis had already committed many heinous crimes, but sunk to new lows with this gruesome and cowardly attack on Palestinian and Lebanese civilians.

Ariel Sharon (may his name be obliterated) oversaw the siege; as Israeli tanks surrounded the area to ensure no one could escape the massacre.

An unknown number of people were martyred, with figures ranging from 750 to 3,500 victims.


The war continued. The newly created Hezb’Allah, went on the offensive with an effective campaign of guerrilla warfare against the IDF.

Lebanese fighters also forced Israeli allied, U.S.-French forces to withdraw; leaving the Israelis stranded with a resurgent resistance eager for payback.

Summary retaliation was the order of the day; as Israeli invaders were picked off at will: IDF Merkava tanks, burnt and burning, littered the rocky Sheeba landscape. The Hezb’Allah vanguard, Palestinian partisans and allied paramilitaries, spurred on by the horrors of Sabra and Shatila, intensified their counter-assault on the gutless, and now hapless, Israeli occupation.

Israeli PM and former Stern gang terrorist, Yitzhak Shamir a.k.a. Icchak Jeziernicky, eventually acknowledged that at least 657 IDF troops had been killed by the end of the conflict, with thousands more wounded. By June 1985: Over 2,000 Jewish conscripts ran for their lives, and were airlifted out of the war zone: Other Israelis hobbled back to the South Lebanon ‘Security Zone’ in defeat & disgrace.

The resistance continued to chip away at the IOF, eventually liberating all of Lebanon in 2000. The illegitimate state of Israel invaded Lebanon again in 2006, and were crushed by Hezb’Allah in a 33 day war.

Israel did 9/11

Israel Did 9/11 to Start the Fraudulent War on Terror


What we need is a real war on terror (i.e. a war on international Israeli terrorism, its agents and enablers). And for the civilised world to agree upon, adopt and enact an open-ended, counter-terrorism strategy against the illegitimate state of Israel.

The enemy’s narrative of lies, is built on their big lie about 9/11: Thus we have to address the rotten root of the problem, which is U.S.-Israeli policy and the evil ideology of Jewish extremism.

“9/11 was 100% a Mossad operation. Period”.

Image result for dr alan sabrosky

Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Former Director of Studies at the U.S. Army War College and Strategic Studies Institute


“The Mossad and its accomplices are the obvious culprits”.


Lt. General Hamid Gul, Pakistani Armed Forces, Former Director of Inter-Services Intelligence


“We Russians have agreed that Al Qaeda is not a group: The fight against that ubiquitous myth deliberately linked to Islam, is of great advantage for the Americans as it targets the oil-rich Muslim regions. And America will soon move to impose their ‘democratic order’ on the Greater Middle East”.

Leonid Shebarshin, Former head of the KGB and Russian National Economic Security Service, Vremya Novostei, 21st May 2005


“…Israelis came into Iraq disguised as Arabs: Israeli commandos move around using forged or stolen Arab IDs and wear masks to hide their real identities, such as in beheading videos. Zionists needed this myth as an excuse for their long-term plans to destabilize the Middle East and pit the world against Muslims”.

Seymour Hersh, ‘The Myth of Al Qaeda’, 2004.


Groundbreaking interview with the former Director of Studies at the U.S. Army War College & Strategic Studies Institute, Dr. Alan Sabrosky.


9/11 feature length documentary presentation with Ken O’ Keefe.


Ken O’Keefe on Press TV’s ‘The Agenda – Aug. 2010


Iraqis Must Out-think U.S.-Israeli Occupation

By Kashif Ahmed

Iraq’s doing OK in the fight against ISIS-Israel at the moment, but lets not forget how all this began. Our honourable brother, Jonathan Azaziah, tells it like it is:

“The murder of the Iraqi nation was not executed in the interests of the “US Empire” or “Western imperialism” as is customarily described by petrified “activists” who are apprehensive to the point of convulsion to criticize Zionism as an international force upheld by Jewish financial and political power. Iraq was destroyed for the protection of the Zionist entity and the only “imperialism” at work was Zionist imperialism and the only “empire” that had its interests furthered was Empire Judaica, using its proxy American attack dog to do its insidious dirty work.”

Shabbos Goys and self-styled ‘anti-imperialists’ daren’t name the enemy. But the enemy openly boasts about its crimes…

“We (Israelis) have achieved in Iraq more than we expected and planned. Iraq has vanished as a military force and as a unified country. Iraq must stay divided and isolated from its regional environment.”
Avi Dichter, (ex-Israeli Security Minister and head of Shin Bet)–May 26th, 2010
Mask of Zion, ‘Jewish At The Root: Iraq’s Destruction, Hell Weapons, Hatred, Networking And The Interconnectedness Of It All’, Azaziah, April 14, 2012

Zionist Jewry’s objective in Iraq is long-term destablization. This is an unsustainable policy (as Paul Craig Roberts pointed out in 2010). The Zionist-Takfiri-Hinduvta axis, is hybridising its terrorist campaigns everywhere; so the allies will have to out-think the enemy, rather than trying to outfight it directly (especially not in partial droe de guerres or externally-managed TOs).

Friendly governments must formulate a new doctrine with patriotic Iraqis: Something similar to the Bolivarian Alliance (ALBA) but one that also revises the intelligence-sharing, military and provincial security apparatus.

Iraq took the heaviest / worst hits at a time when no country was in a position to intervene. Iraqis resisted bravely and live with honour despite everything. Now the world has changed. Muslim nations in particular, have to help Iraq return to her former glory. God willing, I’m confident the illegitimate state of Israel will be consigned to the crematorium of history whilst Iraq will become a great country again.

Pakistan Defence Day

By Kashif Ahmed


Anything is Possible

In 1180 AD, no one imagined that Saladin would unite the Muslims to liberate Al-Quds Jerusalem from Judeo-European occupation.

In 1967, no one imagined that the Pakistani Air Force (PAF) would conduct an emergency intervention against the illegitimate state of Israel: Score a 10-0 enemy kill rate against the Israeli Air Force (IAF) and compel Jewry to retreat in the ‘Six Day War’ (which only lasted six days, becasue Zionists lost the will to press on without air support).

No analyst, politician, philosopher or journalist believed that either of the aforementioned events could take place, and yet they happened.

Similarly today, some people doubt that Pakistan will play a major role in liberating Palestine and Kashmir: But Pakistan leading the liberation of Palestine and Kashmir, is far more likely a scenario, than the arrival of Saladin or the PAF knocking out the IAF ever were.

Pakistan is a story of providence and perseverance, of struggle and victory against all odds. Today is Pakistan’s Defence Day: Where we honour the martyrs, serving officers and veterans of the armed forces, Inter-Services Intelligence and strategic assets. Pakistanis remember the honourable heroes and heroines of struggles gone by, and look forward to the battles ahead.

The Story so Far

· 1945: Pro-Jinnah Muslims leave the British colonial army en-masse, join the Indonesian War of Independence.

· 1947: Beat the Indian military in an existential conflict.

· 1950: Pakistani PM, Liaquat Ali Khan, publicly rejects uncapped bribe to recognise the illegitimate state of Israel, with his famous quote: “Gentlemen, our souls are not for sale”.

· 1965: Beat the Indian military in a full-scale invasion / existential conflict.

· 1967: Pakistani Air Force defeats the Israeli Air Force with a 10-0 enemy kill rate.

· 1971: East Pakistan falls to an Israeli Mossad-KGB-RAW backed insurgency. Full-scale Indian invasion repelled on the Western front. Indian territory counter-invaded.

· 1973: Pakistani led Syrian Air Force, defeats the Israeli Air Force over the Golan (3-0 enemy kill rate).

· 1979: Allied with the Afghan resistance to oust Rothschild controlled Soviet Union.

· 1980: SSG operation ends the Khawarji siege of Mecca.

· 1997: Pakistani and Iranian black-ops to aid Bosnian fightback in the Balkans.

· 1998: Pakistan becomes a nuclear-armed power.

· 1999: Skirmish / forced imbalance of forces / nuclear standoff against the Indian occupation in Kashmir.

· 2007: Pakistani paramilitaries end Khawarji siege of Lal Masjid (Mosque was being used to stockpile Indian supplied weapons).

· 2009: Pakistani Special Forces destroy NATO-JSOC, U.S-Indian controlled TTP-Blackwater bases in Swat Valley.

· 2014: Armed forces begin Operation Zarb-e-Azab against U.S.-Indian backed TTP mercenaries on the border. And the U.S.-Israeli-Indian controlled Nawaz-Zardari-Altaf cabal.

· 2015: Pakistani Rangers dismantle the Indian RAW controlled MQM.

· 2016: Armed forces crush Indian RAW terrorist network in Baluchistan. Capture RAW terrorist ringleader and serving Indian Naval Officer, Khulbasan Yadev.

· 2017: The judiciary, Joint-Investigation-Team, Imran Khan and millions of ordinary Pakistanis, launch an anti-corruption campaign: Corrupt PM, Nawaz Shariff, disqualified and removed from office by the Supreme Court.

Many Tribes, One People

Types of Pakistani: Kashmiris, Pasthuns, Punjabis, Jaats, Hazara, Sindhis, Burusho, Multanis, Balochis and, of course, those heroes and heroines who risked life & limb to emigrate from India.

Distinct and headstrong people; each with their own set of codes & practices. But when united under the banner of Islam: These clans no longer see themselves as separate groups, but as one people, one nation: The Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Put all these clans together, and you have what amounts to the finest armed forces the world has ever seen. So ever onward: Forward march to Srinagar. Forward march to Jerusalem. Long Live Pakistan: Pakistan Zindabad.

“What the Muslim League has done is to set you free from the reactionary elements of Muslims and to create the opinion that those who play their selfish game are traitors. It has certainly freed you from that undesirable element of Molvis and Maulanas. I am not speaking of Molvis as a whole class. There are those who are as patriotic and sincere as any other, but there is a section of them which is undesirable. Having freed ourselves from the clutches of the British Government, the Congress, the reactionaries and so-called Molvis, may I appeal to the youth to emancipate our women. This is essential. I do not mean that we are to ape the evils of the West. What I mean is that they must share our life not only social but also political.”

Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Muslim University Union speech, 1947

The following speech was made by the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, in 1947. Have a listen.


Nadia Chan, Jewish Supremacists and the Hypocrisy of Selective Outrage

By Kashif Ahmed

“…England is no longer controlled by Britons, we are under the invisible Jewish dictatorship, a dictatorship that can be felt in every sphere of life”.
Nesta Helen Webster, ‘Germany and England’, January 1938

Chan Censored by Social Media Stasi

Nadia Chan is a well-informed, outspoken political commentator. Who’s recently been censored by the pro-Israeli thought-police, after an appearance on Channel 4 News.

Her social media accounts have disappeared, and she’s been subjected to a torrent of vile abuse from Jewish extremists and their Shabbos Goys.

Israeli Agents Curtail Pro-Palestinian Freedom of Speech

The situation appears to have escalated in the week since this contrived controversy began. What started as a (Twitter)storm in a teacup, has become something else entirely: And bears all the hallmarks of a pre-planned, multiple-axis (i.e. media, government and criminal) psy-op (i.e. Localised 4th-Generation Warfare): For Nadia Chan is facing a coordinated attack via a smear campaign, death threats, arrest threats and terror threats –including the threat of an acid attack, like those committed by suspected JEDL-EDL terrorists in London two months ago.

All this is clearly intended to force Miss Chan, an eloquent voice of dissent, to withdraw from public life.

Identifying the Enemy

The honourable Imam Al-Shaifi once said: “Follow the arrows of the enemy, and you will find the truth”…Well I saw where all the arrows aimed at Nadia Chan are coming from: And every single person who’s calling for her crucifixion: is, in-some-way-shape-or-form, working for the illegitimate state of Israel.

Anti-Chan sentiment seems to unite Israeli shills & Jewish fanatics from all walks of life: Whether its saprostomous yokels like Katie Hopkins, self-styled ‘Global South anti-imperialists’ and their Hinduvta-RSS cohorts, cringing Uncle Toms like Adil Ray or racist guttersnipes like Tommy Robinson. All of these people have it in for Nadia Chan, and they’re all smarmy stooges for Jewish extremism.

Jewish Supremacy and Selective Outrage

Its worth remembering that those Zionist tools who’re ‘outraged’ and ‘offended’ by Nadia Chan. Are the same shifty stoats who are silent as a tomb, when it comes to condemning their fellow Jews and Shabbos Goys: Were any of these hypocrites offended enough to tweet when…

  • Jewish comedian, Bill Mahr, used a racist slur during a televised interview?
  • Pro-Israeli disc-jockey, Katie Hopkins, solicited the mass-murder of refugees (who, incidentally, had only become refugees because the regimes she supports destroyed their countries)?
  • Jewish socialite, Milo Yannopolis, made several depraved / lewd comments?
  • Former Jew, Julie Burchill, attacked the Muslim faith and fawned over Judaism?
  • Jewish journalist, Melanie Phillips, attempted to corral Western Gentiles into becoming cannon fodder in wars for ‘Israel’?

The answer is No. Why not? Because they’re treasonous hypocrites who’re working to promote the evil ideology of Jewish extremism, as instructed by their handlers in the illegitimate state of Israel.

Now I don’t think moderate or secular Jews can be called upon to counter this kind of censorship & terror: Since its unlikely that they’d have any kind of connection with those Jews who’re engaged in shutting down free speech, or to the far-right terrorists they’ve hired to do their bidding. That said, if moderate Jews decided to take a stand against the extremists in their community, I’m sure a lot of people would appreciate their efforts. After all, Jews have as much right to divorce themselves from the crimes of their coreligionists, as the rest of us do to protect ourselves against those crimes.

Ever Onward

We here at Forward March stand with all those heroes and heroines who’ve been persecuted for attempting to exercise their freedom of speech, under the tyranny of Israeli co-opted governments. People who’ve highlighted corruption in the system. People who’ve proven that pro-Israeli Jews only support freedom of speech when its against Christians and Muslims. But advocate censorship when its perceived to be against Jews.

We salute Dieudonné, Sylvia Stolz, Zaid Hamid, Jonathan Azaziah , Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky, Ken O’ Keefe, Gilad Atzmon, Nicolas Anelka, Robert Faurisson, Alain Soral and many others. So it goes without saying, that we support Nadia Chan: And are quietly confident that she’ll come out of this battle with her hand raised in victory: Stronger, wiser and more effective in this righteous struggle, this global intifada against Jewish extremism.

In the meantime, its up to us to support and empower all our allies to stay in the fight: Invite them onto friendly TV channels, publish their work, promote their activism: Only we, with Allah’s help, can help ourselves. And those who put their lives and livelihoods on the line to speak truth to power, should expect that level of support at the very least. The war of ideas continues: Jewish extremism is the past, Nadia Chan is the future.